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[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour
[F/F] favorite food.
italic text: phone call.
"[Y/N]! You're finally here!" Alex said with an excited tone. She looked over to Ydris. "What?"
"Why is he here?" She asked me. The other riders now also noticed our presence. "Great you're here! Welcome Ydris." Linda said in a calm tone. "No, why is he here?" Alex asked again. This time tapping her shoe against the ground. Ydris dismounted Zee. "I am here too help."
Alex burst out laughing. "Help?"
"Alex. Can you stop?" Anne said.
"Hmph. Fine."
"Thank you."
"Do you guys have any information about what happened?" I asked the group. "No, not really. We went to check on the runes and suddenly they were gone."

"But isn't it weird how they knew about the runes? The person who took them might have something to do with them." I suggested. "[Y/N], you might be right. Someone could've easily planted one and followed us."
Linda said. "Did they take anything else?" Ydris asked. "No, not that we know of." Lisa answered his question.
"Have you two seen anything in the woods?" Alex asked me. She seemed mad about Ydris.
"I did actually, I found this piece of a leather jacket." Ydris said proudly. "Wait! Let me see that." Anne said as she took the leather out of his hands. She quickly looked him in the eyes. They shared a moment, as if they were old friends that hadn't seen each other in years. "Wait..."
"What is it Anne?" Lisa asked her.
"I know who this belongs too."
"Really? Who?" I asked while dismounting [H/N].

"I think I might have an idea too." Ydris admitted. "Well, who are you thinking about?" Anne asked Ydris. "Him."
"I was thinking the exact same. But what would he do with those runes?"
"To attempt to succeed at what failed last time." As he said that I noticed Anne got uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, who is he?" Alex asked. "Darko." Ydris and Anne said in unison. Maya walked up to us. "I decided to look where the runes were stored and I found something." She handed me a note. "Give me the sun." I read out loud.

"Ydris you were right. He is trying it again." Anne said in pure horror. "We should give him what he wants." Ydris said. "No! We are not sacrificing Anne!" Alex said in an angry tone. "You should've let me finish my sentance. sunshine." He said in a harsh and cold tone. "We will use Anne as bait." He said as he shrugged his shoulders. "HOW IS THIS PLAN ANY BETTER?" Alex shouted at him.
"Do you ever shut up?"

"Ydris is right." The words left Anne's lips and everyone was in shock. Silence fell and she took a deep sigh. "Does anyone have his number?"
"Why would anyone have his number?" Maya asked. "Maybe an old employee does." Anne said as she looked over at Ydris. Ydris nodded. A pink cloud of smoke appeared around Anne's hands. All that was left was a note. "It's a business card."
"Well, who is going to call him? I sure am not." Alex said.
"Me neither." Lisa said as she chuckled. "How can we be sure this is safe?" Linda asked. "We don't, but that's what makes it interesting right?" Anne replied. "We haven't been on an actual mission in forever." She added.

"I'll call him." Ydris suggested. "Okay. Do you even know how a phone works?" Anne asked him in a teasing tone. "I do not."
I took my phone out of my bag and dialed the number. I handed it to Ydris. "Just hold it next to your ear and talk into it."
"Thank you, dove."
Ydris held the phone next to his ear.

[YDRIS]: Ah, we meet again.
[DARKO]: Oh. It's you.
[YDRIS]: The sun, do you want it?"
[DARKO]: Huh, you want to work for me again?
[YDRIS]: Yes I do, I have her captured right here.
[DARKO]: You do? That is great. But how can I fully trust you?
[YDRIS]: Why don't you take something from me?
[DARKO]: Your horse, where is it?
[YDRIS]: Right next to me.
[DARKO]: And where might that be?
[YDRIS]: Nilmers Highland.

Darko hung up on the phone. "Ydris, are you actually going to sacrifice your circus?" I asked him. "Yes, dove. I started this."
To everyone's surprise Anne ran up to Ydris and hugged him. "Anne, I'm sorry, I truly am." He said as he looked down at Anne. "I know. I should've visited you when I was rescued."
"Let's not think about that to much, we can catch up after we have saved the world from Darko.

"Everyone tack up your horses and let's go too Nilmers highland." I said.
It was strange to think back about this all. One day I get invited to the circus and the next day I'm going to fight Darko. So much has happened these last couple weeks. I rode next to Ydris, we were in the lead. "Dove, promise me this. What ever happens you won't stop loving me." He said with a sad smile. "Ydris what are you-"
"Shh dove, nothing is going to happen."
"Dove, don't worry. I promise, I will keep you safe."
"Ydris you're scaring me."
"Nothing is going to happen, I'm sorry Dove."

He reached out his hand and we rode hand in hand. "Awh how cute!" I heard Lisa shout from behind. "Aaah! Lisa shut up!!" I shouted back. Lisa and Linda burst into laughing. After a while of riding we finally arrived at Nilmers highland.

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