The truth (PT 1/Anne)

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[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour
Underlined italic text: flashback

"Well..." She sighed. "You remember how i was locked up in Pandoria right?" She said. While looking at me. "Yes why?" I asked.

Cue flashback: ANNE'S POV
"Let me go!" I shouted as Darko was holding my hands behind my back. "Listen to me little soul rider." He said in a harsh tone. "You're going to make me tons of money alright?" He added to his sentance. "LET ME GO!" I shouted out again. The only thing he did was laugh. "Very funny." I said sarcastically. "There is no way you're only doing this for money" I stated. He nodded. "You see, you're a soul rider, you will give me all the information i need." He said as he tied a rope around my hands, letting his grip go. "And what if i won't?"  I said grunting. He hit me in my face. I felt blood run down my lip.

"Then i will use you for my little experiment." He said smirking. He knelt down and looked me in my eyes. "Listen Anne, i have a friend who will help me." He said looking behind him. A tall man with a top hat walked over. He didn't look at me, instead he stood in silence looking at Darko. "What are you looking at" Darko said as his attention turned to the unknown man. "Nothing oh so kind Darko" he said sarcastically, i let out a snicker. I felt Darko grab my collar. "Shut up" he said harshly.

"Open a portal to Pandoria" Darko said to me. "No i won't!" I stated. "Yes you will." He said. "I will not!" You make another attempt of escaping this situation. "I will ask you kindly one more time." He said. The other man looked away with regret in his face. He definitely had something to do with all this. "F- fine" i gave in and made a portal. Darko threw me trough the portal and now the three of us were in Pandoria. He took me up a tall mountain and a pink crystal stood there.

"Will you answer the questions i have?" He asked me. I shook my head no. "Do it" he said as he looked at the mysterious man. All of a sudden i was surrounded by pink. It was cold and i couldn't breathe yet i was still alive. I could only move my eyes and talk. Yet i was stuck in the fetal position. Darko let out a laugh. "Come here riders!" He said loudly. About 20 dark riders came to the crystal and started placing tubes and all sorts of mechanical things on it. Suddenly i got a bad headache and i fainted.

I woke up by tapping on the crystal. I looked to the side and it was the mysterious man again. "Hello" i said slightly stuttering. Talking was painfull and my trought hurt badly. He just looked at the ground. "I'm Ydris" he said. I smiled kindly. "Why are you here?" I asked him. The pain was now a very sharp one. "Well i thought you'd be lonely here." He said genuinely. "And I'm from here so i know how it works" he admitted. "C- can you set me free?" I asked him. I was desperate to get out of here. He was not a human, yet he looked human. "I guess you could call me a humanoid" he said chuckling. "How did you-" i got cut off by him. "I can read minds."

"Wait! You were friends with Ydris?" I asked Anne. "Yes but he had bad intentions" she said slightly sobbing. "Hey Anne are you okay?" I asked her in a worried tone. "Yes I'm fine" she said as she wiped her tears. She patted her legs. "Should I continue the story?" She asked me. "No, why don't we have some tea?" I suggested, she seemed pleased. We went to the kitchen and Anne set some tea. "So are you going to tell me?" She asked teasingly. "Tell you what?" I asked her. "Well~ who do you keep dreaming about?" She asked me smirking. "Nobody! I swear!" I wasn't going to tell her since she hadn't forgiven him.

The tea was ready and she gave me a cup. I slurped it loudly and she burst out laughing. "I wonder how Maya is" i said. Anne took a big slurp and coughed. "We could go see her tommorow if you want?" She suggested. I nodded. We finished the tea and went back upstairs. I sat down on my matrass.

"Anne?" I said her name and she nodded. "What's up?" She asked me. "Well, I'm quite curious about what happened next with Ydris" I said. "but only if you want to tell me that is" i added. She sighed deeply. "Okay i will tell you, but can we first do something else? So I can have the time to recall everything correctly!" She suggested. I nodded and she took out a box and written on it was "uno". 

We started playing the game. And after a while Anne sighed again. "This is getting boring" we both said in unison. We both burst out laughing after that.

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