The truth (PT2/Anne)

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[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour
Underlined italic text: flashback

"okay okay, I'll tell you now" Anne said. She sighed and massaged her temples.

Anne's pov:
"I have to go now, Darko will be back soon" the man said to me. I couldn't nod or move, the only thing i could do was look around and speak. "Oh, okay" I said. He disappeared in a cloud of pink smoke. I felt a sharp pain in my side. I heard a tap on the glass. "Are you ready to speak now?" I looked up and shaw Darko standing infront of the crystal. "No I am not going to tell you anything!" I answered and what quickly followed was another sharp pain. "You know the pain is going to get worse if you keep declining" Darko said chuckling at me.

The pain was something you'd get used to anyways. It's not like Darko was going to let you go if you answered one of the questions. "Okay, question number 1, where do you get your magic?" He asked me. I answered.

After answering the questions it seemed like ages had passed. The pain was getting worse and the chance of escaping got smaller and smaller. "Thank you little soul rider, goodbye" he said winking. Gross. He walked away from the crystal, completely disappearing from my view. Then i heard another tap. "Darko can you leave me alone" i begged. But it wasn't Darko. It was Ydris. He sat against the crystal.

"So what do you like to do.. uhm.." he tried making conversation. "My name is Anne, I'd like to get out of here" i answered him. "Do you know why I did this?" He said as he covered his face. Even thought I couldn't see him I could just feel that he was frowning. "No, tell me" I asked him in a genuine tone. "Well, I- I uhm" He attempted to talk but was interrupted. "Hey you have to leave" A dark rider told Ydris. "Boss' orders" another said. He quickly stood up and patted down his coat.

//Time skip//
It must've been 2 years now, I lost track of time and time was a sensitive subject for Ydris. We had become great friends yet he never told me why he kidnapped me, I knew I couldn't trust him fully. But i trusted him enough. Right at that moment I heard a tap on the crystal. "Who's there!" I shouted. "It's me Anne" Ydris said. "I'm getting you out of here" he said as he put both his hands on the crystal. And a few seconds later I was on his back. I could breathe again. "Zee!" He shouted out. "Who's zee" I asked him. "My horse" he answered.

A black swedish horse came running towards us. We heard a laugh behind us. "Ydris drop her." Darko said. We turned around and Ydris dropped me from his back. He stood infront of me, protecting me from Darko. "Good, now get her to walk over here or I'm taking your horse again" Darko said in a monotoned voice. "No! You're not taking any of them" Ydris shouted back at Darko. "Are you sure about that?" Darko said smirking.

He clapped with his hands and 3 dark riders came up to us. One grabbed Ydris' shoulder and another put a rope on Zee's head. Silence fell ss Ydris disappeared in a pink smoke. Zee disappearing along with him. I dropped to the floor. "YOU PROMISED!" I shouted out as I burst into tears. "Ah, I guess he chose his horse" Darko smiled at me. "No! He will come back, he promised" I cried out. "Shut up you stupid girl" He whispered to me as he smacked me in the face. I blacked out and found myself back in the Crystal.

I heard a tap. "Ydris?" I said full of hope. "He only came back to put you back in the crystal" Darko said to me. Then I heard his footsteps get further away. I waited every day for him, but he never returned to rescue me.

"I am so sorry Anne, I didn't know he was like that" I said looking at the ground. "It's fine, it's been a while since I've seen him" she admitted. "Wait you've seen him recently?" I asked her curiously. "Well, right after you all rescued me I paid a visit to him" she said. "But I don't want to talk about this anymore, okay?" She added. I nodded. I laid down on the mattress. "I'm going to sleep [Y/N], good night!" She sweetly whispered.

I started thinking to myself. In Anne's story I never heard her mention any nicknames. Maybe they had nicknames for eachother, but she just didn't tell me? I shook my head. "Ugh go to sleep [Y/N]" I whispered to myself. Ydris and Anne were friends even before I met him, but now I want to know what happened after, when did he find his circus? So many questions were going trough my head and eventually I drifted off and fell asleep.

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