Emergency meeting.

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[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour
[F/F] favorite food.
italic text: phone call
I had been woken up by the sound of ringing. "Love, is that your telephone?" Ydris asked me. "Ugh, it is." I replied in an annoyed tone. I stood up and picked up my phone.

[Y/N]: "Hello? Who is this?"
[ALEX]: Someone stole the rune stones.
[Y/N]: You're joking right?
[ALEX]: No! I'm not, I'm serious. Get over here right now!
[Y/N]: Do you have any idea who could've done such a thing.
[ALEX]: My first suspect would be Ydris.
[Y/N]: It couldn't be him, I stayed over at his wagon tonight.
[ALEX]: What are you two even?
[Y/N]: He is my boyfriend.
[ALEX]: Wait really! Congrats! Now get your ass over here.
[Y/N]: Okay fine, give me three hours.
[ALEX]: Three hours?!
[Y/N]: Ugh. two then?
[ALEX]: [Y/N] this is an emergency situation! You have to be here as soon as possible.
[Y/N]: Okay okay! I will be right over.

I hung up the phone and noticed Ydris staring at me. "You sounded stressed, are you alright?" He asked me. "Someone has stolen the runes." I said panicking slightly. "Hey hey, I don't know what those are, but I as your boyfriend will comfort you." He said while smirking. I said that out loud. AAAH! He heard me. "Can you explain to me what these runes do?" He asked in a questioning tone. "Right, the runes gives powers to whoever posseses them." I answered. "That doesn't seem too bad." Ydris replied. "No, it's not like that. These runes are powerful. They can do horrible things."

"I might be able to help figure out who stole them." Ydris said as he stood up and walked over to his drawer. He put on a white blouse. "Come on, we have no time to lose." He said hasty. Heh, cute. Ydris saying something about time, and this time without offending any human.
I quickly followed behind him. "Do you think you can go in your pajamas?" He asked me, now also stressed. "Yes, I think I can." I replied. He nodded and we left the wagon as quick as possible.

Zee and [H/N] were sleeping together. I felt bad when I had to wake them up. Ydris quickly used his magic to tack up our horses. "Are you actually going to ride Zee?" I asked him. I was confused, he never really rode her. "Yes of course I will." He answered. I hopped into my horse and so did Ydris. "Ydris, why are you so stressed?" I asked him. "Dove." He looked me in my eyes. "I can read your mind, remember?" He said, this time also his facial expression was a stressed and worried expression. "Yeah, I know that. Why?" I asked him. We started riding towards Valedale.

"Well, whoever stole the runes can use them for bad things. For example; getting rid of the Soul Riders." As he said that a shiver went down my spine. He was right. It could be someone who intents to hurt us. "Take a deep breath [Y/N], it's going to be okay. I'm sorry for scaring you." He said while he sighed, and a gentle smile appeared onto his face. "You're right, let's just see what the soul riders have to say." I said. Silence fell. I looked over to my side and took a deep breath. "[Y/N], I will always protect you, I promise." Ydris said to me. I turned my head to the other side, in order to face him. "Thank you, Ydris." I said.

He again, looked at me with a gentle smile. "Are we there yet?" He asked me. "No, we've just arrived in Silverglade." I answered while chuckling slightly. "What's so funny dove?" He asked me in a confused tone. "Have you never been here?" I asked him. "No, I haven't." He answered. "How? Silverglade is litterally next to your circus."
"I haven't had the opportunity yet."
"How long have you lived in Jorvik?"
"How long? Maybe two or three years."
"And never in those years you thought about actually going somewhere other then Nilmers Highland?"
"I do visit Starshine Ranch often."
"Mhm, do you even have western clothes?"
"I do actually, and the set is pink." He said with a smirk. I laughed a little.

A butterfly landed on Ydris' shoulder.
"I would love to be a butterfly one day." He said.
"And why's that?" I asked him.
"They are so majestic, and are free to go wherever they want."
"Well, why don't you use your magic?"
"It wouldn't be the same. I would have to much control."
"Ydris, I'm sure you'll experience what it's like to be a butterfly one day." I said as I chuckled a little.

Again silence fell. We stepped foot into the Hollow Woods and a chill went down my spine. "Be on the lookout, we're close to Valedale now." I ordered. Ydris immediately looked to his side. "Dove, what is that?" He asked me as he pointed to what seemed like a piece of a leather jacket. "I think it might have to do with the corporate."
Ydris quickly dismounted Zee and picked it up. "I got it!" He said proudly. "Great! Let's go now." I said while he walked back over to Zee.

We continued riding along the path and eventually ended up next to the stable.

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