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[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour

"what's up between you and Ydris?" I ask Alex, the question had been on my mind for almost 30 minutes now. "I don't know, maybe he tried to destroy earth?" She says sarcastically. "No there is definitely something more" i said, pushing her to answer my question. "Oh he turned the bobcats into horses! Almost forgot" she added, now annoyed. "Alex be honest-" Alex cuts me off "And he is from Pandoria." She adds to her list of reasons. "I meant-" Alex did not let me finish my sentance and started galloping away.

"Alex! Don't run away" I shout after her as I start galloping, this was only making her more suspicious. "Alex-" i get cut off again. "Leave me alone [Y/N]" she said in a cold harsh tone. She starts galloping away and i didn't go after her. I just stood there in silence. "She is lying" the words softly escape my lips.

All of a sudden i felt my eyes start to water. My vision was going blurry. I had offended Ydris and Alex was mad at me. It didn't feel good that the people i cared for so much had now gotten upset with me. I start crying and i dismount my horse. I wipe away my tears and start leading my horse. I was close by to silverglade village anyways, the original plan would've been to go back to Valedale. I walk  over to the manor and tie my horse to a fence.

I walked into the library and fell to the ground. Linda was there and she hugged me. "Hunny are you okay?" She asks me worried, holding my face, making me look at her. "No- no I'm not" i start crying even more. She shushes me. "Tell me what happend" she says in a comforting tone. She holds my hand and we sit at the table. She walks over to the bookshelf. "Well i.." i stop abruptly. If i were to tell her what was wrong she would know about my feelings for Ydris. But when I think back about the argument, it seemed that Linda had forgiven him.

"Well I've been you know.." My heart was beating out of my chest, i was so nervous to tell her what had been going on. "Yes?" She turns around whole holding a book, raising her eyebrow. "Ydris and i-" my face went red. I was feeling embarrassed by the fact i couldn't just tell her. "You can tell me you know? I've forgiven him" she says. That was good to hear. "Well I've been seeing Ydris, we aren't together or anything like that-" i quickly say it and i cove my mouth with my hands. All i could hear from Linda was a chuckle. "Let me guess you left his coat in the woods?" She asks me while handing me a book.

"Well yes, i forgot to take it off after i spent the night at his place" i say, and i felt a blush rush over my face. "You did what?" She says smirking. I cover my face. "Look at the book i gave you." She says to me pointing down at it. She sits next to me. I look at the title and read it out loud. "How to say sorry." I look at Linda confused. "You have to apologize to him!" She said encouraging it. I nod. "There is one more thing though" I take a deep breath.

"Do Alex and Ydris have a history together?" I ask her. The room was filled with silence. "No, I've never seen them together." She says. I still didn't believe it, they must have known eachother before i came to Jorvik! I couldn't stop thinking about it. "Hey, let it go, Alex has Maya now and Ydris has you" she had a point there. And i took a deep breath and calmed down. "Thank you Linda" i say.

"Why don't you hold in to that?" She says while pointing at the book. I nod and hold the book in my arms. I leave the library and I'm greeted by my horse. "Hey who untied you?" I ask him/her. He/she moves his/her head in a certain direction and i see Alex stand there.

She walks over to me. "Look I'm-" both of us say in unison. "You can go first" Alex says to me. I nod. "I am sorry Alex" i said in a genuine tone. "No i an sorry [Y/N], i shouldn't have stormed off like that." She hugged me and we went out separate ways. I started thinking to myself "I will have to say sorry to Ydris too." I say silently, my horse heard me and started walking towards Nilmers Highland. "Not right now [H/N]!" He/she stops. "i first need to think about what I'll say to him." I let out a small sob. "I will apologize to him tomorrow, let's head home now." I ride over to Moorland and the stable was still destroyed. "Is nobody here going to repair it!" I shout out frustrated by everything.

"Where will we stay now?" I whisper to myself. Right at that moment Maya walked up to me. "Hey [Y/N]" she says looking at the ground. I hug her. "Where have you been!?" I ask her. "I've been staying at Alex's house, i could ask her if you can stay too." She offered. "No, i think i will be fine." I said. "Are you going to stay at Ydris' place again?" She asks me, nudging my shoulder. "I'm not sure, i first have to see if he accepts my apology!" I let out a big sigh. "I offended him" i came clean to Maya. "I'm sure he will understand, well go on! And call me if your plan changes." She said as she walked away again.

Authors note: I am writing another book too, only that book will be published once it's finished. I will try to do weekly updates to this story! So add it to your list and you will get a notification when I do :)

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