First date with Ydris

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[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour

I woke up to Maya shaking me awake. "Aaahh! What's happening!" I said with panic in my voice. "Nothing! I'm just waking you up, princess." She said while laughing. "Don't call me that!"
"I'm so sorry! I completely forgot about the mattresses." Anne said with an apologetic tone. "It's okay Anne, I slept fine." Lisa said. "No it's not okay! I shouldn't have forgotten." Anne snapped back at Lisa. "Were you too busy thinking about that boy?" I asked with a grin. "He has a name you know."
"What's his name?" Alex asked. "His name is Tobias, now would you please stop talking about him." Anne answered.

"I have to leave at 1 though." I said. "Where are you going [Y/N]?" Anne asked while she was shaking her pillows and putting them back on the bed. "Oh, somewhere. It doesn't matter."
"I think it does matter, tell us [Y/N]!" Alex said as she started leaning forward. Lisa and Maya already knew, but I was definitely not telling Alex or Anne. "Really guys-" I started thinking of an excuse but Lisa cut me off. "It's private, [Y/N] doesn't have to tell us."
"Thank you Lisa." I said as she winked at me.

"You're right Lisa, I'm sorry [Y/N]." Anne said as she let out a big sigh. "Can you guys help me with cleaning up?" Anne asked. "Sure thing!" I said cheerfully. I went downstairs and got a vacuum cleaner. I took it back up and started vacuuming the floor and carpet. Making sure to get all the crumbs from the chips/crisps.

After a while of cleaning the room already looked a lot better. "Thank you guys!" Anne said while looking around. "No problem, what time is it." I asked. "It's almost 1, you have to go." Alex answered with a suspicious look on her face. She definitely didn't want me to leave without saying where I was going. "Yep! Time to leave."
I said while walking over to the closet. And I changed into clothes I felt comfortable in. I went back to the ladder and went downstairs. I walked over to [H/N] and petted him/her.

I mounted my horse and started riding in the direction of Nilmers Highland. I was quite interested in what Ydrina had planned. There was a chance he hadn't planned anything. But he's Ydris. The great, the amazing, the wonderful, the handsome, the... I shook my head. "Stay focused, we don't want any accidents to happen." The road was more busy than usual. After a while of riding I finally saw the top of the circus. I took a deep breath as I kept coming closer and closer. Wow, this was my first date after arriving in Jorvik. And it wasn't even with someone from Jorvik. How would I ever tell my parents my boyfriend is an Alien. Wait, boyfriend? What am I thinking?

I dismounted my horse and was greater by Ydris. "Hello my dove! Perfectly on time." He said happily.
"Yes, I am." I said confidently. I walked over to him. I couldn't see anything major. "What are we going to do?" I asked him. "We're going to have a picnic!" He said while pointing at a basket. He walked over to the basket and took it from the ground. "You can leave [H/N] here, Xin will take care of him/her." He mentioned. "Alright then!"
"Ma chérie, are you ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and he walked over to me. He took my hand. His hand was strong and way bigger than mine. I felt myself blush a little. He then took his hand back. Only to take of his glove and take my hand again.

"I know a great place!" He said while we continued walking. After a while we got to the place he was talking about. It looked magical and it had a very nice vibe. He placed down a picnic blanket and put the basket on top of it. He sat down and patted a spot next to him. I sat down next to Ydris. He opened the basket and handed me a plate with a perfect croissant on it. "I'm sure you'll love that, my sweet." He said with a tone of confidence. I took a bite and he was right. "Ydris, this is amazing! Where did you get it?" I said with my mouth full. "I made it myself." He said proudly.

"Wait, you bake?" I asked while wiping the crumbs of my face. "What else am I supposed to do?" He asked. "Stand outside and stare into the great nothing-ness." I said while Ydris handed me a second croissant. "I made all kinds of things." He said proudly. He opened the basket further. "Which one do you want?" He asked. I noticed a donut with powdered sugar. I took it out of the basket and took a bite. I noticed there was a jam filling. "Oh look, it's red, what does that mean?" I asked.
"It means your donut has a strawberry filling."
"Yes, what else is it supposed to mean?"
"Passion, true love."
"Could be, let me try one." He took a bite out of one of the donuts and accidentally spilled some jam on him. I laughed a little.
"Something funny, dove?"
"Nothing- you just spilled a little on your pants."
"Awh no, these were my favorite."
"What color did you get?"
"Red. There all strawberry flavored." He said in a very serious tone.
We both burst out laughing.

The sun was already starting to set and it was getting colder. "Dove, will you stay at my wagon with me?" He asked. "Yes of course! I would love too." I said. And right after I shivered because it was so cold. He handed me his coat. "This time don't leave it in Valedale, okay dove?" He said with a teasing tone. "I promise!" I said while laughing a little and I put the coat on.

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