The time runestone

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[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour
Italic/bold text: phone call

As you ride over to nilmers highland your horse stops in his/her tracks. "what's up girl/boy?" You ask your horse. You dismount him/her and look around. You stretch your legs and take a deep breath. "Come on, let's go now" you tell your horse. You try to mount him/her but he/she starts to walk in a certain direction. You follow your horse and end up in the woods.

"[H/N] what's wrong?" You ask your horse. Confused about what you were doing here. He/she starts digging in the ground. "Cut it out [H/N]!" You pull your horse away to make him/her stop digging. You notice the corner of a stone. You look at your horse and then back go the ground. You kneel down and start digging it out.

You took it out of the ground and it was a rune stone. One that i had never seen before. You look at your horse and he/she looks over to the direction of valedale. You mount your horse and put the rune in your bag. "Come on girl/boy! Let's go to the soul riders" you start riding, and you complety forget about Ydris. It was nice to think of something else for a while.

You arrive at Valedale and walk over to Anne, who was taking care of the horses there. She moved in after she got rescued from Pandoria. "Anne, you have to see this!" I shout out to her as i walk inside the stable. "What's up [Y/N]? What did you find?" She asks me. I take my bag off my back and put it on the ground. I kneel down and start searching in my bag.

I grabbed the stone and showed it to Anne. "That's a time rune stone." She said. "How did you get that?" She added. I stand back up. "[H/N] found it, what does it do?" I answered Anne and quickly asked a question after. "I'm not sure, we need to have a soul rider meeting" you nod in agreement. "I will call Lisa and Linda, can you call Alex?" She asks me. "Okay no problem!" I answer.

[Y/N]: Alex! You have to come to Valedale right now, we have something important to discuss.
Alex: Okay, as long as it's not about the purple goblin.
[Y/N]: *sigh* it might have something to do with him, but I'm not sure.
Alex: Okay fine, I'll be there in about 20 minutes, sound good?
[Y/N]: Yes! That sounds great.

Anne was still calling Linda since she had already called Lisa. "At what time will they be here?" I ask Anne. "Hold on [Y/N]" she whispers to me. "Alex will be here in 20 minutes" I tell her as she hangs up with Linda. "Lisa will be here in 10-20 minutes, same goes for Linda, they're coming together." Anne answered.

"What do you think the stone is capable off?" I ask Anne. "I'm not sure, but I told Linda so she is bringing a few books from the library." Anne answered and now there was silence. "How was it in Pandoria?" I ask her, the question had been on my mind since the moment we saved her. "Cold and alone." She answered and looked away. "And what-" she cut me off. "Can we not talk about this right now? I'm not ready yet" she said looking at the ground. "Yes I'm sorry Anne" i apologize to her. "I don't have a place to stay tonight, can i stay with you?" I ask and she quickly turns around with a big smile covering her face. "Yes of course you can!!" She squeels in excitement and hugs me.

We chatted for a while and then we heard galloping coming close to us. "So what is this meeting for?" I heard a familiar voice ask. "Well, [Y/N] found a time runestone" Anne answers Alex's question. "I've read about those, they give us the power to manipulate time!" Linda adds to the conversation. "Oh no i am so not doing this again." Lisa says. "what are you talking about Lisa?" I ask her.

She sighs. "I am not going to participate in this discussion." She says, everyone looked confused. "Lisa what are you getting at?" Linda, the most clever of all was confused too. "Well a stone that manipulates time is easy to use against Ydris" she says. My and linda's face dropped and Anne and Alex faces lit up. "No he has done nothing to us since the battle, we are not using it." Linda says. "Oh yes we are!" Alex and Anne say in unison. They both had a strong hatred for Ydris, i couldn't understand why. I might have to ask Anne about it tonight. If i get that chance to ask her.

"How about this" Lisa attempts to make a suggestion. "We keep it in the secret stone circle, and if we ever need to destroy Ydris we will use it" she says. The words send a shiver down my spine. I mean, Lisa was right, there was an opportunity for Ydris to go back to his evil ways. It didn't matter for me, as long as I knew Maya and Linda trusted him. I would be fine. They would have my back if i ever had to defend him.

"That's not a bad plan!" Anne agreed with Lisa. Alex looked at the ground. "fine we will do that" she said annoyed. "Okay then, Alex and Linda you're both coming with me to deliver it." Lisa said as the three of them ride off.

"[Y/N]? Are you okay" Anne was the only one left with me. I nod. "I'm fine Anne, i just don't get why you and Alex hate Ydris so-" Anne cuts me off. "I will tell you one day, just not now. I don't know what Alex's issue with him is though." She said and then i noticed a pattern. Linda didn't know and neither did Anne, it seemed as if Alex had an unexplainable hatred towards him.

Author's note: I hope you all are enjoying this story up untill now, The truth behind Anne and Alex's hatred will be revealed soon, so add this book to your list so you get notified once this story gets an update <3

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