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I ran towards the truck stopped on the side of the road. It was raining, but warm as per usual for Fort Heinz.

I called the emergency, and I continued running towards the truck.

"There's been an accident involving a pickup truck. I am right in front of the Shopstore, please hurry."

I kept running, but the length from me to the truck seemed to be getting further away the closer I got. I ran up to the driver's side, noticing it was Kyle Degree. I started screaming, "KYLE!"

I opened the driver's side door to find Kyle passed out with his head onto the steering wheel.

As I looked down his body, the metal rod piercing through his torso caught my attention.

"Where did that come from?" I thought to myself.

"Kyle," I ran around the passenger's side of the truck.

I opened the door, and I jumped in.

"Fuck, Kyle! Wake up. Please wake up, Kyle."

He didn't move. 

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