Chapter Nineteen

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I woke up the next day for school.

I snuck out Jacobs window last night after he fell asleep.

It was now time to face the fact I was Max and Kasey's daughter, and both of them are lying to me about it.

I got dressed, packing my bag quickly and grabbed the journal. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. Kasey was packing her lunch.

"good morning," She chirped. I ignored her, not because I'm immature like that but because I didn't know what I wanted to tell her yet. I placed the journal down on the island counter and headed out the door. Kasey stood there watching me speechless.

I started walking to school. I beelined my way to my locker. I was pulling my books out of my locker to put in my bag when I caught Jacob walking towards me.

"We need to talk." He said abruptly. I shut my locker.

"No, we don't." I took off. Jacob followed.

I walked into English 15 minutes early to avoid talking to Jacob about last night. It wasn't something that was supposed to happen.

I was lonely and wanted to feel wanted. I sat down in my seat, noticing Jacob walk away.

I watched Mrs. Clan pace the front of the classroom as she explained the finals for our English exam. I couldn't focus on what Mrs. Clan was talking about.

The letter I read kept replaying in my mind.

For some reason, I wasn't even sad. I almost feel relieved. I loved Mary, but I think I knew all along. I always felt closer to Kasey. Growing up, I have always felt like I hardly knew Mary as different as that sounds. When she got sick, I could feel the distance evolving. It makes sense as to why Kasey would never talk about Mary.

I continued to watch Mrs. Clan walk back and forth behind her desk. Why wasn't I mad that Kasey lied to me? I have spent 17 years believing another woman was my mother, and I am not even upset.

The bell rang. Everyone around me started packing up their books and bags. I sat still. Staring off into space.

"Elle, do you need help with anything?" I heard Mrs. Clan say.

Grasping my attention.

"Oh no, I'm okay. thank you, though." I said appreciatively.

I packed up my stuff, heading back to my locker to get ready for history.

I passed Jessica and Clara in the halls.

Jacob was standing with Conrad, but once he noticed me, he quickly approached me.

"why are you avoiding me, Harrison, we need to talk about.. last night." he got quiet when saying "last night" as if he didn't want others to overhear. Before I could answer, Jessica stomped over to us.

"Everyone knows you two are together. You might as well just admit it." She said aggressively.

Jacob and I looked at each other. "Were not together," I replied while watching Jacobs facial expressions sadden.

"Stop lying Ellie, just admit to me your dating him. Admit you betrayed me, and my feelings."

How dare her.

I am so over this. I thought back to what Kasey said about being happy. I wasn't happy. I was heartbroken, and I was a mess.

"You know what Jess, even if I said I wasn't dating him, this wouldn't change your thoughts. You're so convinced, no matter what I say right now is not going to matter." I said politely.

"My mind knows what it sees." She threw back at me before I was finished.

I am clearly not winning at this point, and quite frankly, I don't even care anymore. If I'm not dating him and she's treating me this way, would it be any different if I was actually dating him?

I thought to myself. I was getting so frustrated.

"You're right. I am dating Jacob, you know what else I fucked him, got a lot further then you did. Weren't going to tell me about that, were you? You've been up my ass since we were 13 about Jacob. If we're going to talk about betrayal, why didn't you ever tell me about your "fling" with him? Were you embarrassed he dumped you? Or were you embarrassed he dropped you because he had feelings for me, and that's why you grilled and planted it in my head that I couldn't even talk to him? Here, some advice, get over it. I have put your feelings over everything else. I have lived in your shadow of what you want from me, and I'm done. It's always been about you. I need to acknowledge my own feelings. If you were really my friend, you'd be happy for me. Go fuck yourself, Jessica." I closed my locker, and I walked away.

As I walked down the halls, everyone was whispering about me.

"She's screwing Jacob?"

"Why would he want to be with someone like her? Oh my, he's probably fucking her because he feels sorry for her"

"I think they are cute together"

"How could she be with someone so good looking and she is so plain?"

I rolled my eyes and headed to Gothworth's office.

I couldn't stop thinking about what I said to Jessica.

I replayed the conversation in my head about 7 different ways, but each time ended with me telling her to fuck off.

Today has been a shit show.

"Is he busy?" I asked the secretary while pointing at Gothworth's office door.

"No dear, go on in." I walked towards his office, opening the door. I took off my bag before sitting down.

Once I sat down, Gothworth looked at me.

"Did you know that Kasey is my birth mother?" I mentioned. Gothworth looked stunned.

"No, no, I didn't," he said hesitantly.

"I found my dad this weekend too, and he introduced himself to me as my uncle. Not quite sure yet why," Gothworth looked confused.

"I'm going to University of North Charter Corinna. I'm accepting my offer. I just wanted to let you know." Gothworth smiled at me.

"They have a scholarship currently. We received a flyer the other week, and I had plans to give it to you if you were deciding on attending." Gothworth said, looking for the flyer on his desk. He handed it to me.

"Thank you," I said bluntly.

Gothworth sat there, uncomfortable.

"Well, I'm going to get lunch now." I got up, putting my bag on my back. I left the office, heading towards the cafeteria.

"Harrison," I heard Jacob call. He started jogging to catch up with me.

"So everyone's talking about us," he said.

"Yea, I'm sorry." I replied, embarrassed.

"Can we talk about last night? What was that? Was it a one-time thing?" he asked bluntly.

I could see people watching us. I didn't answer.

"I don't want this to be over." He said, concerned.

"Me neither," I replied.

Jacob smiled. "I like being with you." Jacob took me off guard.

I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"I feel the same way," I replied.

Jacob pulled me in close, kissing my lips softly.

"Just giving them all one more thing to talk about," Jacob said with a smirk.

"So because we are now officially an item, will you attend the graduation modified dance tonight with me?" he asked. I looked at him. What did "modified" mean? I thought to myself.

"I don't do dances." I said, staring at him.

"Trust me," He said cockily implying he remembered.

"Okay, I'll go with you," I said with a smile. 

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