Chapter Two

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I ran towards the truck stopped on the side of the road. It was raining, but warm as per usual for Fort Heinz.

I called the emergency, and I continued running towards the truck.

"There's been an accident involving a pickup truck. I am right in front of the Shopstore, please hurry."

I kept running, but the length from me to the truck seemed to be getting further away from closer I got. I ran up to the driver's side, noticing it was Kyle Degree. I started screaming, "KYLE!"

I opened the driver's side door to find Kyle passed out with his head onto the steering wheel.

As I looked down his body, the metal rod piercing through his torso caught my attention.

"Where did that come from?" I thought to myself.

"Kyle," I ran around the passenger's side of the truck.

I opened the door, and I jumped in.

"Fuck, Kyle! Wake up. Please wake up, Kyle."

He didn't move.

I checked for a pulse, but it was slow. Kyle's body was cooling down.

"Kyle, its Ellie. I'm here. Help is coming. Please hang in there," I said awkwardly. Blood was everywhere. Kyle slightly opened his left eye. He spit some blood out of his mouth as he tried to talk.

"My mom." He stuttered. "I love her." He tried to say. My heart broke.

"No, no, no, Kyle. Please no. Please, help is coming." Kyle's eye started to close. He nodded his head slowly as if he knew. I grabbed his hand, and he tightened his grip around my palm before his body went limp.

I could hear the sirens that were faintly in the background become louder as they approached us.

My body broke down.

Uncontrollable tears shed my eyes as I watched Kyle's limp body leaning over the steering wheel. The paramedics approached the truck.

"Miss, are you injured?" A male voice asked.

"Miss, are you injured?" It asked again.

I sat there staring at Kyle, and all I could hear was the pounding of my own heart.

"Miss, I'm going to need you to get out of the vehicle."

The female paramedic's voice grounded me. I looked at her as she approached the passenger door.

"Do you know what happened?" The male police officer asked me as I climbed out of the truck. I shook my head slowly.

"Kyle Degree," I repeated a few times.

The female paramedic asked me my name. I was in shock; how did this happen? I thought he left work already.

"Maxwell Harrison"

I felt weak.

Everything went black.   

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