Chapter Twenty- Two

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I laid in my bed tossing and turning, I couldn't get Jacob off my mind. I stared at the ceiling.

I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up to my alarm at 7am.

My last day before graduation tomorrow.

I didn't talk to Jacob all weekend.

I got up and got dressed, I heard Jessica downstairs talking with Kasey.

I went downstairs, Kasey and Jessica went quiet quickly.

"good morning, how did you sleep?" Kasey asked.

"fine." I said confused.

"what were you just talking about?" I asked them.

I watched Jessica and Kasey look at each other.

"what is going on?" I asked them.

Jessica stood up from the island, she had a letter in her hand.

"I saw Jacob packing up the car yesterday evening, I think he may be moving away? He asked me to give this to you. I asked Jared what was going on, Jared said "moving for school."

She paused.

 "I asked how Jacob was doing and Jared said he unsure what was going on with him, he's now confused with moving away for school apparently. I didn't know he was moving away for school?" Jessica said uncertain while handing me the letter.

I nodded my head. Jacob must be getting ready to go to UNCC, I thought about our trip, when he told me about his acceptance.

Holding back my tears, I asked Jessica if she was ready to go.

She nodded and we walked to her car.

Once we got to school, I walked in front door of the school and instantly felt a different vibe. One I have never felt before and let's be honest nothing could trump the vibes I got when Kyle Degree died.

This time around, it felt empty. I beelined to my locker to get my textbooks for my last day of classes. I reminisced Jacob walking up to my locker. I smiled at the thought of his smile. I miss him. I packed my bag with all my locker stuff. I found pictures of Jacob and I from our trip to Milgram.

I found the letter I stuffed into my bag this morning.

I ran my fingers across the crease of the envelope.

I opened it.

"Dear Harrison,

I think I have written this about 5 times, that's something unusual for me. I guess I just can't find the right words to tell you I'm sorry. I have never had the guts to tell you but I have been so caught up in you since the first day you moved next door. I just always thought I was never good enough for you. The last 7 weeks with you have been the best I have ever had.

Ellie, I am sorry.

I am sorry I overstepped.

I have never loved for anyone more than I have for you.

I have watched you paint from my window for years, if you don't get that scholarship for University of North Charter Corinna then they will never know what they are missing.

Good luck.

Love, Jacob."

I couldn't hold myself together. I ran into the washroom to dry my tears. I wiped my eyes to see Stacy coming in after me.

"Where is lover boy?" she asked me in her preppy tone.

I looked at Stacy, speechless.

"Awe did he leave you too?" she said sarcastically.

"its okay Hun, we all knew it was going to eventually happen. Let's be real, you were never his type." Stacy flipped her hair and started walking towards to washroom door.

"Hey, Stacy." I replied.

She turned around to face me.

"You're really pretty." I said to her.

She smiled a cocky grin as if she knew that.

"It's a shame you are a ugly person on the inside because looks only gets you so far."

I watched her grunt before walking away.

I looked at myself in the mirror and wiped my tears.

I imagined Jacob standing behind me, kissing my neck softly. Turning me around before running his hands up my shirt. 

 I stared at myself for a bit before snapping out of thought.

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