Chapter Thirteen

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I heard Jacobs alarm ringing, I rubbed my eyes. I must have fallen asleep. I looked around for my phone, noticing it was on the dresser charging. Jacob must have put it on the charger for me. I got up, grabbed my phone off the dresser and headed to the bathroom to get ready.

Two text messages:

Kasey: Hey Hun, got your message that you made it. I can't wait to hear about it. I miss you.

Jessica: I stopped by your house last night. Kasey told me you were on a road trip with Jake. Weird, considering you said you are not dating him. Seriously I'm pissed you lied to me; especially you knew how I felt about him. How could you do that to me, why are you even hanging with him ...?

"You okay in there?" Jacob asked from outside the bathroom door. His voice startled me.

"Yea, be right out," I replied. I finished getting dressed. Slipping my phone in the side pocket of my yoga pants.

"How did you sleep?" Jacob asked.

"Good." I packed up my stuff, getting ready to leave. We said we were going to say bye to Max this morning before hitting the road home. We locked the door and made our way to the main office.

"Okay. I'm going to return the key. I'll be right back." I watched him walk into the front door of the office, I headed towards the bike.

I texted Kasey back.

"Morning. Found someone. Complicated story with that. I'll explain that all when I get home. Leaving in a few to say bye to my dad's brother then heading home. Xo."

I slipped my phone back into my side pant pocket. Jacob came out from the front doors of the motel. Putting on his sunglasses.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yea," I replied.

"Sorry for how I may have seemed last night. I was just tired." I looked at him.

"Its fine," I said bluntly, trying to hide the fact I was uncomfortable.

"That's bullshit." He said strongly. I just stood there looking at him. He knew I wasn't right. Over the last 6 weeks, he's one person that has got to know me well.

"Is something else bothering you?" he looked at me concerned.

"Is this about Jessica?" he blurted. How did he know? Was it that obvious? Whatever reaction is on my face now clearly was a dead giveaway.

"How did you know that?" I asked, interested.

"I saw the message when I plugged in your phone last night. Seriously, why do you let her do that to you?" he asked sweetly. I shrugged.

"She is a bitch. Why do you care so much? She can't control everything." I guess he doesn't understand girl code; you don't date your best friend's exes or crushes. And most importantly, you can't crush on your best friend's crush. It is against girlfriend law.

"Its girl code, you can't have a thing for your best friends crush. What kind of friend does that make me?" pausing.

"Look, Jessica and I tried many years ago. We had a fling, but it lasted a full 3 weeks before I lost interest. She never got over it. I wasn't into her." Why didn't Jess ever tell me that I thought to myself?

"She never told me that," I said, looking at the ground.

"So what kind of friend does that make her? Just throwing that out there." He had a good point. Jessica was so certain to keep me away from him, but not once mentioned that she dated him.

Maybe she was embarrassed?

"I'm not going to deny that I have a thing for you. It's a huge thing actually, I always have. Partly the reason to why I wasn't interested in Jessica." He confessed.

Well, I wasn't expecting him to say that out loud.

"Anyways, let's go say goodbye to max." he said breaking the silence. I didn't know what to say. I was confused with all my emotions lately. 

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