Chapter Fourteen

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During the ride to Max's house, I thought about my mom. What she would have told me? I have only ever just wanted to make her proud. I just feel like I'm letting myself down every opportunity I get because I'm scared to lose those around me. I recognized the road that we just turned down. We were getting close to the junkyard. We pulled into the driveway.

"I'll wait here," Jacob said while turning off the bike.

"Okay, I'll be quick," I replied.

I walked along the side to the garage entry. I looked everywhere for Max. He wasn't in the garage. I walked around the back of the garage to find multiple welding sculptures. I was overwhelmed with the detail in them. The horse sculpture caught my attention. The detail that was put into the stifle and crest. It was beautiful. I was breathless. The number of scrap pieces of metal, car parts, whatever made up these figures was extraordinary.

"Do you like it?" Max asked, coming from behind me.

"Like would be an understatement. Max, these are amazing." I said, shocked.

"It's my hobby. An excellent time killer." He said proudly.

"It's beautiful, they all are," I replied to him.

He looked around the yard admiring his work. "Well, Jacobs waiting, I just wanted to say I'm glad I found you. You gave me closure to all the wondering I have had about my father. I do want to keep in contact with you, though. You're my only blood-related relative." I asked with a bit of a question.

"Absolutely, I would like that." He replied. I leaned in for a hug, he pulled me close. As I hugged him, it was the strangest feeling. I felt like I was a part of something. I felt whole.

"Anytime you want to come to visit, I'm more than willing to come and pick you up." He mentioned. I pulled away from the hug, smiling.

"I'll take you up on that offer; maybe you can teach me a thing or two about making these amazing sculptures." He nodded.

"Yes, just tell me when." He said so politely.

"Okay. Well, goodbye." I said while walking away.

For the first time in a long time, I felt complete.

I wasn't even upset my father was dead. I was just happy; I found Max. I was almost at the motorcycle, and I could see Jacob was smiling.

"How did it go?" he asked, interested.

"Really well. Thank you for coming with me." He nodded his head.

"No problem. I'm sorry it didn't turn out the way you were hoping. But at least you met your uncle." I nodded my head before putting my helmet back on.

"Okay, well, let's head home," I mentioned before hopping up onto the high seat.

We were only about 4 hours into our drive, and we hadn't stopped for lunch yet.

"Did you feel that?" I yelled at Jacob.

A raindrop hit the top of my helmet.

Shortly after, I felt more droplets crash against the top of my helmet.

"It is starting to rain!" Jacob yelled back at me over the sound of his engine. Within seconds a downpour caught us. We were soaked. Unfortunately, it became too rough to drive with the motorcycle; we started swerving as the wheels grabbed the rain on the road.

"It is rough, we need to stop for a bit!" Jacob hollered.

"The band shell over there," I said while pointing to the right. We parked the bike under a nearby tree and sprinted for the shell. I shivered as the rain made me feel damp and chilly.

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