Chapter Twenty- One

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I walked up to the Fort Heinz water tower off the dirt road. Jessica and I use to always come here when we were younger. I remember this one time when Jessica's mom and dad got into a fight, she snuck out to my house. We took off on our bikes and we found this place. From that day on, it became our meet up spot. We have spent a lot of our childhood on this water tower.

It was dark out now and I could hear the crickets in the fields around me. I stepped up the first step of the ladder and climbed up. I stepped up on to the metal platform. Holding onto to the railing, I walked around the front of the tower looking out to the city lights. I sat down, thinking about my reaction towards Jacob. I thought about Kasey, and how she has raised me since my mom died. I thought about how I felt more connected to Kasey than Mary.

I haven't been up here for a while, but the view looks the same.

"Hey" I heard her say quietly.

I looked up to see Jessica walking towards me.

"Hey" I replied softly.

I watched her sit down beside me.

"The whole block is looking for you" she told me.

I looked at her. Of course, she would know where I would be.

"I kind of knew you'd find me." I replied.

She smirked. "I remember always feeling safe climbing up here when we were younger." She said sweetly.

We sat in silence.

"Look, I am sorry for how I acted towards you." She stuttered.

"I am sorry as well." I replied.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. It was all me." I looked at Jessica.

"No, I called you a fucking bitch. You didn't deserve that." I said looking down to my hands.

"Actually I did deserve it though, the thing is, I should have told you about my fling with Jacob. I was just embarrassed; I knew he had a thing for you. He told me." she said before pausing for a bit.

"I guess I tried so hard to keep you away from him because I was jealous of you. I got so caught up in trying to keep you to myself, I suffocated you. But most importantly, I ignored the fact that you needed me and I'm so sorry for that. Your life just always seemed so perfect, you know." I watched Jessica's tears stream down her cheeks

"why does everyone think that?" I asked her.

"You have amazing grades, always have a plan. Your University of North Charter Corinna acceptance. Every guy likes you." She replied to my question.

"Jess, my life is a mess." I said with a chuckle.

Jessica smiled at me. "Yea, Jacob told me." she said with a smirk.

"I overreacted with him; I know he meant well. I just didn't know what way to face this whole thing. Kasey, and my mom. Then max. it was just a lot for me." I said unsure.

"Can I help you deal with it?" she asked me.

I nodded.

"good, because I have missed you," she said pulling me into a hug.

We sat on top of the water tower for a bit before Jessica offered to drive me home.

Kasey's car was in the driveway. Jessica pulled in behind Kasey's car. I had an uncomfortable feeling about seeing Kasey. Not because I didn't want too, but because I wasn't sure what to expect. I went to grab the car door to get out.

"I'll be here if you need me." Jessica said softly.

I smiled.

We exchanged goodbyes and I took a deep breath. Walking to the door took me back to the day I was running towards Kyle. It felt like it was taking forever. I put my hand on the doorknob and I have never been so nervous in my life.

Kasey was sitting at the island, once she heard me coming in the front door Kasey stood up to greet me. She didn't say anything. She has been waiting on me. I walked up to her, wrapping my arms around her.

"I'm not mad at you." Kasey grabbed onto me.

She held me tightly. I could hear her crying into my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Ellie," We stood in the kitchen hugging.         

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