Chapter Four

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"Wake up Ellie," Jessica said as she threw a pillow at me that she picked up off my bedroom floor. "Now, get up, we're going to be late" I opened one eye and looked at my phone dock. 7:45 am.

"I'm not going," I mumbled back at her, pulling the pillow she threw at me over my face.

"You've been in bed three days straight. Get ready. We are going to class." Jessica grabbed my feet and started to pull me off the bed.

"Fine, fine. I'll get up." I had little to no motivation to get dressed, so I went in what I was wearing.

"You couldn't have even tried?" Jessica asked, pointing at my sweatpants. I shrugged.

"The best you're going to get." I followed Jessica downstairs.

She handed me my knapsack from the front door before walking out. I was not expecting it to be so bright outside given it was 7:50am. I got into the front seat of Jessica's car, pulling my hoodie over my face. She drives a 2000 Corrado Volkswagen, but it's a miracle we haven't had to Flintstone ourselves home yet.

"Ou, look there is Jake." I slightly heard Jessica say. I closed my eyes, pretending I couldn't hear Jess go on about him. She has had a crush on Jacob Cairns since 7th grade. Jacob was one of the hottest guys in school, and unlike every girl at West Caldwell High, he annoyed me.

Lucky for me, he's been my neighbour since I moved to Fort Heinz from Boston many years ago. To Jacobs left is where Jessica lives, so I guess it is safe to say we have all grown close to each other. Well, sort of. Once high school started, Jacob changed. I think Jess and I did too.

We pulled into the student parking lot. I think Jessica could sense my anxiety as we sat in the car staring at the school. It's been six weeks since I watched Kyle Degree die in front of me and believe me when I say six weeks is more than enough time for kids to be mean. Rumors about what happened have circulated this whole town.

Jessica leaned in for a hug.

"They're all a bunch of pigeon's" she whispered in my ear.

I wasn't even sure what that meant? We both piled out of the car. Walking towards the front doors, butterflies took over my stomach. It was as if a spotlight projected on me the second I stepped into the hallway catching eyes in an instant. I continued to walk through the hall, overhearing whispers between clichés.

"I heard she left the scene of the accident after her car crashed into his." one said.

"Well, I heard, she killed him," another said quietly.

"She's the one that saw Kyle die on the side of the road," some guy mumbled to his buddy.

I pulled my hood down and continued to walk to the first period of English. Once I got to the classroom, I found a seat and sat down. I placed my head on the desk dreading the fact I was anywhere other than my bed. I felt no time had passed before principal Gothworth's voice portrayed over every classroom.

"Maxwell Harrison, please report to my office" I pulled my head up off the desk slowly.

"Seriously," I thought to myself before getting up and grabbing my stuff to head to the principal's office.

I entered his office to see Kasey sitting in one of his big comfy office chairs in front of his desk. Why was she here? I thought to myself before taking a seat.

"Good morning Maxwell," Gothworth's voice said firmly.

"Good morning," I replied politely. I made eye contact with principal Gothworth.

"Maxwell, after your teacher submitted the attendance this morning, I felt it was necessary to inform you that I am worried about your attendance performance." He stated calmly. I looked over at Kasey in which I could see the stress building over her face.

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