Chapter Sixteen

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The next day was pretty lonely at school as I didn't see Jacob, and Jessica still isn't talking to me. Jessica's convinced I'm dating Jacob ignoring her feelings for him, which we all know isn't legit. Yes. I have feelings for Jacob, but it is not like I'm acting on it. I walked home and noticed a package addressed for Kasey on the front step. I picked it up, bringing it inside. I looked at the return address. 7646 Dufferin road. My heart sank. I took the package to my room.

"Why was Max sending Kasey mail?" I thought to myself. I placed the box in my closet before starting to change into different clothing.

I had just taken off my pants when I heard the front door open.

"hello?" I hollered quickly, trying to put my black tights on. Kasey was working until 8pm today, I recalled. I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Grabbing my phone, I ran into my closet to hide.

"Harrison?" he yelled, opening my closet door.

"are you hiding?" he asked calmly.

"shit, Jacob. You scared the fuck out of me. Why didn't you knock?" I freaked while pushing him away.

"I did. No one answered?" he replied startled.

"God, don't do that," I said, chuckling at the fact on how I braced myself with my phone. As if it was some sword I could stab with.

"Where were you today?" I asked Jacob while coming out from hiding.

"I had an appointment." he said bluntly.

"oh?" I questioned.

"Nothing important," Jacob replied while sitting on my bed.

"So how was your day?" he asked curiously.

"terrible." I replied.

"however," I replied, pointing at him. I quickly went to my closet and grabbed the box that came for Kasey today.

"Look, what came for Kasey." Jacob looked at me, indifferently.

"Okay, so she got a package?" I handed it to him.

"from our new friend Max?" I said, unsure.

He looked at me, confused. "why is he sending her mail?" Jacob questioned.

"Exactly!" I replied. "well, let us open it?" Jacob replied. I quickly grabbed the box from him.

"Wait. We can't. It's not ours." I said softly.

"You're always so honest." I put the box back into my closet.

"So why was your day terrible?" Jacob hollered at me as I put the box under a sweater so no one could find it.

"Just Jess being a total bee, eye, tee, see, h," I replied, coming out of the closet.

"Well, that doesn't surprise me," Jacob replied. I sat down on the bed beside Jacob.

"So, I wanted to know if you were busy?" I looked at him.

"extremely," I replied with a serious face. He smiled.

"Great," he stood up, grabbing my hand. "We're going out." I followed him out of my bedroom door.

I locked up my front door, walking towards Jacobs front lawn. I saw Jessica pulling into her driveway, she must be coming home from work. Jessica works at the movie theatre downtown, a total run-down building that plays reruns more than new movies. I took the helmet from Jacob. I put it on, watching Jessica - while Jessica watched me. I got onto Jacobs motorcycle, and we took off. I wasn't even sure where he was taking me. We pulled up to an abandoned building that read Tucker's Trucking Company.

"where are we?" I yelled at Jacob. He turned off the bike.

"I want to show you something." We both got off the motorcycle, walking towards the back of the abandoned field.

There were 3 semi-trailers in eye distance. I followed him. "See those semi-trailers?" he asked me.

"Yea why?" I asked, unsure. He replied,

"We're going up," before he hopped up onto one. I climbed up the back of the semi-trailer to the top. Jacob lent me a hand, "I use to believe when I was younger that I was on top of the world, standing up here." Jacob said, sitting down at the edge. He dangled his feet over the side of the trailer. "Come sit," Jacob tapped the spot beside him. I sat down.

"Do you think it would make me a horrible person if I opened Kasey's package?" I asked Jacob.

"No, I don't."

"It's just so strange; Kasey seemed shocked when I mentioned Max last night. Then the package came in the mail. Doesn't that seem weird to you?" I wondered.

"It will only be weird if it came express." Jacob said jokingly. "Anyways, I want you to close your eyes, and lay back."

I looked at him confused.

"Trust me." he said calmly.

I lied back on the semi trailer awaiting Jacob to tell me when I could open my eyes.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Jacob asked me.

I opened my eyes, and the stars above me caught me off guard.

I looked over at Jacob, and couldn't help but smile. 

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