Chapter Seventeen

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I got home from hanging out with Jacob, and I sat on my bed, contemplating if I was going to really open the package or not. I could hear the rain starting outside as the rain pellets hit my window. Something didn't sit well with me, I wasn't sure what it was yet. I was almost uncomfortable. I got off my bed and went to my closet. I dug out the package from under my one republic concert sweater and sat on the ground. I was so nervous about opening the box.

"if it came express I will open it." I thought to myself. I looked the label.

My heart sank.


To: Kasey Staple

548 Waites drive, West.

Fort, Heinz

From: Maxwell Jefferson

7646 Dufferin road


Express was written across the top.

I took a deep breath, and upon opening it, I found a letter and a journal.

"Kasey, It has been years since I have heard from you, it was really great to listen to your voice when you called the other day. After we got off the phone, I went through the box of stuff in the spare closet. You mentioned to me on the phone that Maxwell is smarter than I know, and she will eventually put things together. I just wanted to ask you, aren't you afraid for when she does this for you too. -M"

My heart dropped into my stomach. I did not know what to make of this letter. Apparently, Kasey and Max have history. More importantly, what was Kasey hiding from me. I opened the journal.

"July 27th, 1989, today I met him." I continued to read.

"I remember Mary begging me on the phone to come to this random house warming party. "please, you have to come with me?" she said. I sat on the other end of the phone speechless, thinking to myself I really didn't want to go to a party.

"Please, I will cherish your presence for the rest of my life if you come. I was kind of instructed to attend by the mother of the person hosting."

I started laughing, thinking, "Okay?" I was going to keep her begging, but she was kind of annoying me.

"Fine! I'll go." She took a big gasp, and "thanked" me three times.

I told her I wasn't drinking. She sighed a little bit.

"Okay, fine. I'll pick you up at 8:00pm. No track pants!" she told me.

I looked down at what I was wearing.

"Uh, that means I have to get dressed," I thought to myself.

Looking at the clock, I had half an hour to get ready to go. I put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I curled my hair and let out a grunt. This is as good as it was getting. She called me when she was waiting outside. I grabbed my college sweater, locked up my house and headed to her car. Mary talked about the guys she met at the bar the other night and the girl she started a fight with the whole way. I started wondering why I was even going.

"We're here!" she said, full of excitement.

"They live... here?" I said slowly. Mary nodded.

"Yep!" I got out of the car, walking towards the building. Mary tossed me her keys indicating I would be driving home. We walked into the apartment, and it was full of guys, no wonder why Mary wanted to go so badly. Drinking games, screamo music... Where was I? I made small talk with a couple people about life and school. I was in my second year of college, and after I was graduated, I planned on going to university. As soon as I started talking about the school, I seemed to have lost their attention.

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