Chapter Twenty- Three

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Once we got to school, I met up with Jessica and we walked into the gymnasium hallway. Kasey gave me a hug before going to find a seat.

Jessica and I stood in line waiting to get our gowns, the bright red with yellow shash gown that all graduates wait from the first day of high school to day to wear.

I saw Jared come in behind me, my heart started to race. He caught me looking at him. I waved and smiled at him, which he replied with a wave back. I was holding back my tears. I really wanted to see Jacob right now and apologize to him for my overaction.

"I can't believe we are graduating today." Jess said catching my attention.

"I know, its crazy right?" I replied with a smirk, trying to think of instead of Jacob.

Jessica and I were next in line to get our gowns. I put it on and did up the front zipper. I turned around to head into the hallway where the teachers are lining us up alphabetically to our last name.

I saw Jacob walking towards me from the corner of my eye.

Jessica noticed Jacob walking towards me and stopped to see my reaction. I think she was waiting to see if she had to intervene.

"Hi," He said softly.

"Hey," I replied, shocked He was talking to me.

"Did you get my letter?" he asked me calmy.

I nodded my head yes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. I didn't understand. I thought he left.

"It's graduation day, why wouldn't I be here?" he replied.

"I thought you moved to Corinna?" I asked confused.

Jacob started shaking his head no and smiling.

"but Jared told Jess that you were moving for school?"

Jared pierced around the corner.

"No I said I was moving for school, I said I wasn't sure what was going on with Jacob and that he was confused for moving away." Jared replied while nudging Jacob in the ribs.

"You gave me a letter..." I asked Jacob.

Jacob chuckled.

"To say I am sorry. You're stuck with me at UNCC. " He replied.

I wasn't sure what took over my body but I jumped up and swung my arms around Jacobs neck. 

"I missed you." I said into his ear.

"I missed you, too." He said holding on to me.

I pulled out of the forced hug, "Jacob, I overreacted. I am so sorry." I tried to say without tears running down my cheek.

"I have a surprise for you." He randomly interrupted.

"Oh." I said unsure of what to expect.

I watched Jacob turn around to see Kasey and Max walking towards us.

I was speechless. Did he invite Max to come to our graduation?

I looked at Jacob with a smirk.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Max with uncertainty.

"Well, someone showed up at my house, telling me that he loved you to much to see you hurting. I know partly I am to blame. I also know you came on that trip to find me. I am sorry I lied, the truth is, I was scared. The rush that took over my body once I read Kasey's letter, I knew that you came to find your dad and I wasn't sure I was going to be good enough for you. You waited your whole life to find me, and I was scared I wasn't going to be what you were looking for. I'm sorry I lied, Ellie."

Tears streamed down my face.

I walked over to Max and he pulled me in for a hug. 

"I want to be the father you've always wanted, if you still want me?"  Max asked nervously.

I looked over at Kasey from the corner of my eye. I could see her smiling through her tears.

I reached my hand out to her direction. She grabbed on, I pulled her into my hug with Max. 

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