Chapter Eighteen

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I sat on my bed speechless, upset, and lost.

I saw a light turn on out of the corner of my eye.

Jacob was home.

I got up off my bed almost in zombie mode.

I opened my window and crawled through; I climbed across the tree branches making my way to Jacobs windowsill.

The rain ran down my cheeks along with my tears. I opened his window and climbed into his room.

I was soaked.

I stood there.

Jacob sat up on his bed.

"Harrison, are you okay?" he asked concerned.

He got up off the bed slowly.

I walked up to him.

He was standing in the middle of his room confused.

I grabbed his cheeks softly leaned in slowly, my breathing was heavy.

His lips softly touched mine.

I pushed myself into him a bit.

Our lips fully touching.

He pulled himself away from me, stunned.

Confused. Shocked. Unsure.

"do you know how hard it has been avoiding the temptation of kissing you every time I watch your mouth move." He said.

I didn't want to hear him talk. I didn't want to hear anyone talk.

"Shut up." I replied while pushing him against the wall.

I grabbed for his button on his pants.

Jacob grabbed my hands.

We stared at each other aggressively.

It was as if he was questioning my actions with his eyes.

I started slowly nodding my head.

He spun me around, kissing me harder.

He pushed me up against the wall taking off my wet shirt.

He picked me up and tossed me gently on his bed.

He took off his shirt, leaning over the top of me.

I ran my hand down his chest. His abs were so defined.

They look even better up close.

His tanned body laid over me, running his hand softly up my left leg.

He made it to my hip.

Jacob slid his hand over to the button of my wet pants, slowly and gracefully pulling them down.

We locked eyes again.

Jacob kissed down my neck.

It tickled.

He undid his pants, taking them off.

He grabbed his penis firmly before placing it into me slowly.

It hurt but was bearable.

Moving slowly in and out, the pleasure trumped the pain.

I kissed his lips as he continued to move in and out of me slowly. The sensation was increasing with each stride.

"go faster," I replied.

I could tell he wanted too but was going slow for me.

He started to speed up just a bit.

I grabbed onto him pulling him into me.

He'd pull out and slam himself into me gracefully.

Suddenly the sensation took over my body entirely.

I felt a pulsing from the inside out.

My eyes started rolling back a little, and my breathing sped up. I could feel it, and I knew he could also.

Jacob pulled out. 

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