Chapter Seven

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It's been five weeks of the group so far, and in 2 weeks I graduate high school. Standing at my locker, Jacob approached me.

"Harrison." he said while I was putting my textbooks back into my locker.

"Jacob, what do I owe the pleasure?" I replied, staring at him, pretending to be annoyed.

"Want a ride tonight?" He said with a big smirk on his face. Oh right. Today is Thursday.

"Nope," I replied bluntly.

"What do you have against my bike? I just want to show you something." I looked at him, confused. What would he want to show me?

"Come on. I'll have a car." He said eagerly for my reply. I huffed. "Okay."

He tilted his head and eyed me with surprise that I agreed. "Okay?" He questioned to make sure I was serious.

"Okay," I repeated with attitude.

"Great." He said before walking away.

I stood there, slightly confused. I packed up my bag. I watched Jacob walk away, texting on his phone, and Jessica pass him. She was heading towards me.

"Ellie, guess what?" She said excitedly.

"Wait, was that Jake?" I nodded my head.

"What did he want?" she questioned.

Well, this is awkward. Was I going to lie?

"Harass me like usual?" I said, brushing it off.

Yep. I lied. My stomach turned.

I have never lied to Jessica before.

Okay, maybe this one time I did. I thought back to the time Jessica asked me if her new skirt matched the rest of her outfit, trying to hold back the fact it didn't match, and I agreed by saying totally.

"Weirdest thing, Jacob literally just texted me this morning asking to borrow my car for tonight if he couldn't borrow his parents. He offered me 50 bucks. Said he has a date." She said, upset. We all know how she feels about Jacob. My expression dropped.

"A date?" I questioned.

"Yea, weird right?" We were not going on a date, I thought to myself.

"He didn't tell me that." I blurted.

"Would he?" She questioned me back, confused.

"No, God, no." I watched her facial expression as it becomes unsure.

Between both of us, we were beyond confused with this whole conversation.

"What did you want to tell me?" Changing the topic.

"Right!" She said with another round of excitement.

"I got tickets to skip the sunrises concert tonight. Did you want to go?" She said so sweetly.

Skip the sunrise was a couple of guys from the town that made it big on YouTube. They released music weekly and given a record label once some artists noticed them. They weren't half bad to listen too.

"I'm sorry, Jess, I'm busy. I have something with Kasey tonight." I lied again.

"Awe, poo! Okay. I'll see if Carla can come." She asked.

"I'm going to go check in with Gothworth. I'll talk to you later though." That one wasn't a lie, but Jessica seemed out of sorts.

"Okay, talk to you later." She said. I closed my locker and started walking towards the office.

I took a seat in the waiting area and sat patiently for Mr. Gothworth to come to greet me. I couldn't stop thinking about Jacob, referring to whatever he wants to show me as a date. Just because we have been hanging out more on Thursdays for the grief group does not mean we are any more friends than we were before the group started.

"Maxwell," I heard Gothworth's voice say genuinely. "Come into my office."

I took off my bag and sat it on my lap.

"Maxwell, I just want to say that there is a great improvement in your attendance. You're doing wonderful. How are you finding group this far?" He asked with curiosity.

I guess this would be the time to tell him that I'm enjoying the group. I didn't think I would. However, I have come to terms with Kyle's death. I have been able to find a sense of self and feel comfortable with the people I've grown to know.

"It is going well. I like it," I said softly.

"I'm thrilled to hear that! I am pleased you have entered a different state over the last four weeks." He stated.

We sat in silence for a few seconds before he spoke.

"Maxwell, my reason for our meeting today is of another nature. I wanted to bring to your attention that you haven't accepted your offer to post-secondary school yet. Was there any intent to do so?" Mr. Gothworth questioned.

Right. Before Kyle's accident, I had applied to University of North Charter Corinna for Fine Arts. I got accepted; my ticket out of this shitty town but with Kyle's death happening right after it slipped my mind.

"I will get around to it." I said with less emotion.

"Well, don't leave it too late; you will do great at." He replied.

"Mr. Gothworth, don't mind me asking, but why do you have such a great interest in supporting me?" I asked.

It did make me wonder why he took the time to assist me so frequently.

"Maxwell, your mother was a dear friend of mine for many years. I owe it to her. She was a remarkable woman."

Did he know my mother? I thought to myself. I wish I remembered more about her. When I was 6, my mom was diagnosed with Huntington's disease. Her whole persona changed then. Shortly after my 7th birthday, we moved from Boston and Kasey moved in to help her out a little. My mom started to get worse, though. I remember it so clearly before my 8th birthday my mom never woke up one morning. She died of Pneumonia.

I always wondered what it would be like knowing her past life before me.

"I didn't know you knew my mom?" I replied.

"Oh, yes, we went to high school together. Guess that's what you get when you live in a small town like Fort Heinz," he said with a chuckle.

I was almost jealous of Gothworth. The version of my mom I knew was a sick, weak version. I never had the involved parent, I know she loved me, but it sucked growing up.

"Well, Mr. Gothworth, I have group in 10 minutes... When I decide to accept my offer, you will be the first to know," I said before standing up to leave the office.

Mr. Gothworth nodded. I hung my backpack on my right shoulder and started walking to the gymnasium.

I walked in and took a seat.

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