Chapter Eleven

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The next morning my alarm went off at 7am. My heart got heavy, I was feeling mixed emotions. I decided to get up and get dressed throwing on the clothing I picked the night before. I grabbed my bag and opened my door to see Tica at my feet.

"Hello, kitty."

I closed my bedroom door and headed towards Kasey's room.

She was getting ready for work. I sat on her bed, explaining the route, my plan, and when I would be home. The more I talked to her about it; I could tell she didn't like the idea at all. We both headed downstairs, I grabbed my rain jacket, stuffing it in my bag.

"Do you have everything?" Kasey asked me while putting on my shoes.

"Yes, I'm only going until tomorrow." She shrugged while packing her bag for work.

"I know, I just don't like this, and I am really trying to because I know this may be what you have to do. But I just don't like it." She rambled. I went in for a hug.

"I love you, Kasey," I said, holding my arms around her neck. She hugged me back. I could feel the tension on her shoulders. "Relax, Kasey, it is going to be fine." We pulled out of the hug, and she smirked.

"Okay, well, you make sure Jacob drives safe. Don't talk to strangers and remember you have to text me!" I swung my bag over my right shoulder before heading for the door. I looked at Kasey.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I said, blowing her a kiss.

I walked across the front lawn to Jacobs house. I started walking up the steps when he opened the door.

"Hey," He muffed. 7am on a Saturday was early for him apparently. Jacob pointed over to his crotch rocket.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Nope." If I wasn't nervous already, I got more so just looking at his motorcycle.

"I hate motorcycles," I mentioned.

"I know you do," He said calmly while handing me a helmet.

"Don't stress it, Harrison," he said with a smirk. I put the helmet on.

"I'll help you strap up." He said, adjusting my straps.

Jacob got on the bike first and held my hand as I stepped up and lifted my leg over to the other side. I sat a little higher than him.

"Remember to turn the direction the bike leans," he yelled in which I replied, "Oh god, okay"

I placed my arms around him. I wasn't sure if my nervousness was now for meeting my dad or the fact I was riding on Jacob's motorcycle.

He started the bike, and we took off.

The adventure begins.

"Hold on tight," he said.

We had made it a vast distance before having to stop for gas; I went into the variety store to use the restroom and bought a drink. I came out with two water bottles. I passed one to Jacob.

"Here," I said as he took the water bottle from me.

"Oh, thanks." He said, unsure about my gesture.

He took the cap off the water and took a large sip.

"So, you ready to get back on the road?" I asked him. I wanted to get moving before lunchtime. Jacob quickly drank the rest of his water and threw out the bottle in the garbage can by the gas pump. I put mine in my knapsack to save the rest for later.

We both got back on the bike again.

The ride wasn't as smooth as I imagined it would have been. There's a constant vibration, which honestly, I don't care for. I gripped tighter into Jacob, and as I did, I felt him tense up. Did he not like that I had my arms around him so tight? Afraid that I was overstepping boundaries, I let go a bit, focusing on the trees as we passed by them on the open road. The forest on each side of us reminded me of hiking in Boston. When I was a child, my mom used to take me walking every Sunday after church. It was something we enjoyed doing before she got really sick. This one time, after church, we got into the car and drove to the forest. We packed a picnic basket ahead of time, and we went to this lookout point at the top of a cliff. It was beautiful. The cliff overlooked a sea of clear blue water, and when the sun beamed down, the reflection in the water looked like perfection. We jumped over the cliff into the water after our Turkey sandwiches and apple slices. That day really brought smiles to my mom's face. It was like she knew her sickness would end her life this way, so she always made the best of everything we did together. I enjoyed watching my mom smile. It was such a lovely smile.

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