Chapter One

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I walked into the sliding doors of the Shopstore. One of the few grocery stores we have in Fort Heinz.

"Brandon wants to see you." Shay mentioned to me as she stood near her cash register, popping bubblegum in her mouth while reading a magazine. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course, he does," I replied with a huff.

I headed up the stairs that is kiddy corner from the lunch room. I passed the washrooms on the way. I slightly knocked on the last door on my right.

"Come in!" I heard coming from the inside. I touched the door and it creaked open.

"Good morning Elle". Brandon said smiling.

"Morning Brandon" He nodded awkwardly at me.

"I wanted to see you for a few reasons, firstly I wanted to tell you excellent job with achieving "employee of the month" for the third month in a row now. You are doing stellar!" My facial expression dropped a bit.

"I made employee of the month again?" Brandon nodded. I looked around his desk. Star Wars action figures remained aligned in a row.

"Oh, Emily was really working for it this month" I mentioned under my breath.

"Well it's already been decided." Brandon replied nicely. My eyes widened. We stared at each other uncomfortably. I was waiting for him to continue with the second thing.

"I have somewhere I need to be tonight, I was wondering if you could possibly close the store." Brandon asked. I have only locked up one other time, I wasn't sure I remembered everything I need to do.

"Is Kyle not here today?" I asked with uncertainty.

"I just let Kyle go."

Now I was confused. I wish it wasn't inappropriate for me to ask why. I stood there unsure of what to say.

"He is working his usual shift, but will be leaving 30 minutes before closing. That's why I was curious to if you could close." He asked nicely.

I nodded my head slowly, still unsure of what would have caused him to fire Kyle. Kyle was West Caldwell's biggest jerk, but he was a good worker. Plus, this is a great after school gig, gets me out of the house at least.

"Sure." I smiled.

"Thank you, that is all." Brandon said implying for me to start my shift. I headed down to my cash register and started cashing customers through. My 4-hour shift past pretty quickly. It was 10 minutes before lock up, Shay, Michael, Mitchell and Kyle already left. I was just locking up the doors, when suddenly I heard tire screeches, followed by a huge bang. The bang rattled the store windows.

I stood there shocked. 

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