Chapter Eight

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During the session today, Mrs. Menendez mentioned that it was good for each person to do something they think will start closing the door to healing. This week's meeting was about restoration and working through experiences positively. After listening to Mrs. Menendez explains this week's stage, it shocked me to realize I wasn't thinking about Kyle anymore. If I'm honest, I wasn't even thinking about my mom.

The craziest part was the only thing that crossed my mind was my father.

The man I never knew.

I thought specifically about why my father abandoned me. I have had all these questions for years. I wondered why he left. Did he know about me? I wanted to meet him. I wanted answers. But how was I going to get them? The session was over. I picked up my chair and headed towards the wall to stack them.

"Harrison, you ready?" I heard Jacob question.

Right. Jacob. I forgot about him with all the thoughts of my father.

"Where are we going? I asked with curiosity.

"You'll see," he replied before walking out of the gymnasium. Unsure, I followed.

We walked out to his parent's car.

"You got a car, I see." I said with a tone.

"Yea, I knew you wouldn't come otherwise," I smirked, walking to the passenger side. Jacob stood at the driver's side.

"Is this a date?" I asked him over the roof of the car. Jacobs face softened, and his eyes sparked a bit as he smiled at me.

"Jess told me you asked to borrow her car for a date?"

For the first time, I saw a different side of Jacob. I kind of liked this side of him.

"No, Harrison. Don't be silly." he said, shrugging it off.

Did he mean that? His body language was saying differently. I got into the car and watched as he started the engine.

"So where too?" I asked.

"You'll see," he replied again.

We sat silently for a few minutes before I asked him a question.

"Jacob, do you know your parents?" I blurted out. I didn't intend to come across so bluntly. I should really think before I speak. Jacob looked at me with confusion as to why I was asking him.

"Like your birth parents?" I clarified. Jacob looked back at the road.

"No, I was only 4 when the Cairns adopted me. I don't remember them."

That got me thinking about my father.

"Do you know anything about your birth father?" I asked quietly.

"Not really. I tried to get information when I turned 18, but my bio-dad died a few years back. I'm his only child. I grew to know my uncles a bit once my caseworker got involved. My uncles and I chat regularly." He replied.

This was strange for me, I felt like Jacob and I had something in common. All this time, I had no idea he was in the same situation as me.

"I don't know anything about my father either," I said sarcastically in response. Why was I curious about my father all of the sudden? I have never had an interest in my father until now.

"Last, I heard my mom was an addict."

My heart sank. I felt terrible.

"Jacob," I asked calmly. He smiled at me.

"Yea," I got nervous, but for some reason, I felt safe talking to Jacob.

"Can I tell you something I've never told anyone" Jacob looked me with comfort in his eyes." Of course," he replied.

"The night Kyle died; he was conscious when I saw him. He told me that he loved his mom, and he wanted me to tell her. It broke my heart because I thought about my mom dying alone."

Jacob took one hand off the steering wheel and grabbed my hand.

We sat in silence for a bit before I budged.

"Anyways, seriously... Where are you taking me?" I asked again.

"Good timing, because we are here." Jacob replied. He parked the car. Confused, I looked out the window. "Come, and I'll show you,"

Jacob said while getting out. I followed.

I walked towards a large old farmhouse.

It had a wrap-around porch, rustic looking French doors. It was tall, full of glass windows. We walked towards the front doors. I brushed my hand through the tall grass as I walked down the pathway to the porch stairs.

"Where are we?" I asked curiously.

"The day my parents told me I was adopted, and I jumped on my bike and took off. I didn't know where I was going, but I needed to cool off. I found this place. It kind of just became my go too. I've always felt safe here. I have dreams of buying it, and fixing it up.

Amazed by the structure, I looked at Jacob.

"Why are you showing me this?" I asked him sincerely.

"Last week in session, you talked about how you felt you have no place to call home, and you feel lost and abandoned. You said you feel beyond repair." I looked at him.

"Okay?" I asked. I was shocked he took notice and paid attention to what I said.

"I wanted to you see that even though you may feel abandoned and lost as this house. You are still here. This house was once someone's home and will be someone's home again. With a little repair work, it will be good as new. Everything is fixable. You are as strong as this structure. You can withstand anything."

I looked around at the house we stood in front of; this was probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.

"Thank you, Jacob," I said, smiling.

He looked at me before looking back at the house.

"Come with me. I'll show you my favourite part." Jacob led the way behind the house; we got closer to a garage that stood hidden behind trees. I followed Jacob towards the abandoned garage; this garage was not an average garage, by any means. I took a hard glance at the structure of the building ahead of me. Looking at the arched roof caught my attention. The garage was shaped into a triangle, which had only glass windows. It looked rather pretty if I am honest. Jacob walked through the long grass towards the path, inevitably I followed.

The grass tickled my bare sundress legs.

"Just in here," he opened the garage doors.

We were trespassing now. Once Jacob opened the garage doors, I looked around the empty building. It had old car parts and a broken-down rusty car. I noticed multiple shelves with antique radios.

"They are pretty neat, aren't they?" Jacob said referring to the radios.

"Do they work?" I asked.

"Some, but not all. Sometimes I would come and spend hours trying to restore them. I restored this one." He picked up an old 1930s Zenith classic Bakelite radio.

"That's cool, Jacob. I didn't know you were into that sort of thing." I looked at him.

"You haven't seen the best part." he pulled down a hideaway ladder from the ceiling of the garage. I followed him up the steps. I got to the top of the steps, and I was blown away. The glass roof showed different angles of the sky. Around me were landscaped gardens.

"Wow." I was at a loss of words; this looked amazing.

"I come once a week to water the flowers. But you should see the stars at night from this view. It's cool." Jacob said peacefully.

"This is beautiful!" I replied. We stood in silence while I looked around.

"Well it's getting late, let's get you home." I nodded.

The drive home was quiet. Once we pulled into Jacob's driveway, I could see my front door from the passenger's seat.

"Well, goodnight Jacob. I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for tonight." I got out and headed in my front door.

I quickly yelled to Kasey I was home before heading to my room. 

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