Chapter Twelve

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The rest of the ride was nerve-racking, all I could think about was did I look like my father? Do I have siblings? I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

I don't have any family aside from my Aunt Kasey; I'll let you in on a secret. Kasey is not blood-related to me. My mom was an only child; Kasey was my mom's best friend. They knew each other since they were 8 years old. My grandpa died when my mom was 14, he killed himself. My mom didn't know him much. My grandma, on the other hand, abandoned my mom when she got pregnant with me. My mom was only 20 when she had me. I wasn't exactly planned. Some might think 20 is an ideal age for a child, but my grandma thought differently.

Along with the fact, my mother wasn't "married," it was almost a sin. To come to think of it, my mom never told me how she really met my father. Growing up, she always said to me that they met at the royal ball. He took her hand and danced with her across the floor. They fell in love... which leaded to me. Unfortunately, one day, he took the wrong bus home and got lost. That was believable until I learned my own address. I don't know what kind of love stories you read, but that doesn't sound like a winner to me.

"We are only about 30 minutes away," Jacob yelled over the engine as we can to a stop sign. My stomach started to curl.

We pulled up to the front of 7646 Dufferin road. A green sign read "Jefferson's Junkyard."

I slowly got off Jacob's bike. I couldn't gather my thoughts. My stomach was in knots. What if he didn't want me? I placed the helmet on Jacob's bike. Looking around at the little house enclosed by a white picket fence. I looked at Jacob.

"Are you ready?" He asked. I shook my head, no. I wasn't ready for this, but it was something I had wondered so long about. Jacob sat on his bike with his helmet still on, but the bike turned off.

"I'm going back to the hotel, message me when you are ready, and I will pick you up. Unless you want me to wait for you?" I wasn't sure I wanted him to leave.

"Can you stay? I'll give you the thumbs up if I am good." He shook his head. I walked up to the front door, and with great hesitation, I opened the screen door before knocking. I waited a few seconds before knocking again. There was no answer. I walked down the front steps before starting to head back to Jacob. I saw on Jefferson's Junkyard sign "garage entry." I shouted to Jacob from where I was standing, which wasn't far away.

"I'm going to try the garage" Jacob took off his helmet before replying,

"Okay. I'll be waiting here." I started walking down the gravel driveway leading to the enormous mechanic shop. I can't even describe how my stomach feels right now. I walked into the garage just a bit.

I saw a figure bent over.

"Are you Mr. Jefferson?" I asked.

An older voice shouted out from under the hood of a black Chevrolet Camaro,

"Depends who's asking?" I stood at the entrance of the garage door.

"I found your address online." I stuttered. Taking a step into the garage a bit more.

"Well, you found me, what can I do you for?" He shouted back at me. I watched as the man came out from under the hood of the car, wiping his hands with a dirty rag. Waiting for us to make eye contact, I was shaking. My heart was throbbing so loud I could hear it in my ears.

"What do you want, kid?" he asked, looking at me. Confused. I couldn't stop eyeing the man; he was tall, very slim rather rough-looking and brown hair. I took a glance around the garage and then back at the man wearing blue coveralls, the arms tied around his waist and a filthy white t-shirt.

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