Chapter Fifteen

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We turned onto our street, I was excited to be going home. It was a long, overwhelming weekend. Jacob and I pulled into Jacobs driveway. I got off the motorbike before taking off my helmet. While passing it to Jacob, I noticed Kasey's car in the driveway, "Thank goodness," I thought to myself. I was so excited to see her. Jacob took the helmet from my hand but somewhat pulled me in for a hug, his arm around me felt so comforting. I felt safe.

"I enjoyed spending the weekend with you," Jacob mentioned before pulling away from our hug.

"Thanks for taking me, I'm upset I didn't find my dad, but I found Max, and I guess that's better than no one," I said, standing there.

"Anytime, Harrison," we exchanged smiles before walking away. I headed for my front door.

I walked in, putting my knapsack at the front door. Kasey greeted me in the kitchen. I walked up to her, throwing myself into her hug. I broke down crying.

"What happened?" she asked.

Everything spilled out my mouth so fast, I don't even know what I said.

"Ellie, you need to slow down I don't understand what you're saying."

Whatever I did say was enough to decrease my anxiety.

"Never mind, I'm going to unpack."

I ran up the stairs. Sitting down on my bed. I looked over to my left, noticing Jacob was lying on his bed with his left arm over his forehead. I got up off my bed and shut my curtains. I unpacked and changed into my pajamas, waiting on my bed. I heard a little knock on my door.

"Elle, I brought you some chocolate chip cookies," Kasey said, opening the door. She knows chocolate chip cookies are my favourite. She walked into my room and sat down on the end of my bed.

"Let us try this again, how did your trip go?" she asked interested.

"It was okay. It was overwhelming and very upsetting. I found, well, not my dad. Apparently, my dad died of liver failure. I travelled all that way to not even find him. It was silly of me to think I would get some kind of closure from finding him."

Kasey's smile faded. "I'm so sorry, Hunny,"

I wiped a tear, "I found his brother. Who owns a junkyard, but he makes terrific metal scrap sculptures. His place isn't that tidy, but I think it is because he's alone."

I rambled randomly.

"oh," Kasey said uncertainly.

"and I think I like Jacob," I said bluntly.

"Like really like him." Kasey smiled.

"Why do I sense that is a problem?" Kasey asked, curiously.

I picked my phone up off my night table to show her the message from Jessica.

Kasey took the phone and read the text message, her eyes blogged a bit.

"Oh, wow," Kasey replied while handing me back my phone.

"I can't lose Jessica over my feelings for Jacob."

"so you can't have feelings for anyone because you have to get Jessica's approval first?" Kasey asked, bluntly. I started to bite my lip.

"when it involves Jacob, I do."

"Hunny, you have to be happy. You won't always make others happy while doing it, either."

Maybe she was right.

"Kasey," I said concerned.

She sensed the tone in my voice. "yes," she asked worriedly.

"I applied to University of North Charter Corinna months ago." Her eyes opened widely.

"I got accepted." She sat there, unsure if she should be happy or not.

"That's amazing, but I knew, I saw the letter of acceptance in the garbage," she asked.

"I don't think I want to go," I said. Kasey smiled, nodding her head.

"You have to do what is best for you. No one can make that decision for you." She replied.

"I applied for mom, I didn't think I would get in. She loved my art. I kept asking when she was in the hospital that if she didn't die, I wouldn't go away. I'd stay here with her." Kasey looked at me, uneasily.

"Ellie, she wouldn't want you to do something you don't want to do." She said politely.

"I don't know anything about her. I don't remember her." I started tearing up. "I remember the sick, the pain. I remember sitting by her bed, holding her hand singing to her as she slept." Kasey started tearing up as well.

"Do you even think she knew I was there?" I asked.

Kasey wiped her tears, coming in for a hug. "I believe she did."

She replied, trying to make me feel better.

"Why don't we ever talk about her?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I don't know." She whispered.

"I find it so bizarre that I miss her so much, but I didn't even know her."

Kasey and I sat on the bed, looking at each other there quietly before I spoke again.

"I don't want to let her down," I said with tears. Kasey leaned in for another hug.

"You won't ever let her down, she was so proud of you." We both pulled away from each other.

"I'm happy. I found Max." Kasey's face went blank.

"Max?" she asked, strangely.

"yea, my uncle."

Kasey slowly nodded her head as if she was in disbelief.

"Oh." She replied hesitantly.

"what did you say was his address again?" Kasey asked, eagerly.

"Um, 7646 Dufferin road, I think. why?"

Kasey nodded.

"I was just wondering. See, your trip wasn't a complete dud." I shrugged.

"Yea, maybe. Anyways, I think I'm going to head to bed shortly. I have missed my bed." I patted my pillows.

Kasey got up off the bed, walking toward my door. I watched her as she grabbed the doorknob to close it.

"Ellie, your mom once told me you could do anything in this entire world, and she would support you. She is not here, but I am." I smiled.

That made me feel better.

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