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amity p.o.v

work was pretty normal after that girl named Luz left. i thought about her the rest of my shift. she was interesting, unlike all the usual regulars. she said she would come in on monday, but i have this feeling she'll forget. so i will make sure not to get my hopes up... hopefully.

we finally closed at 4:00. i was tired, i needed to take a nap when i got home because i was exhausted. right as i was about to leave i got a text from Em.

Em 🤦‍♀️❤️ : hey sis! wanna do me a slight favor and grab stuff for dinner at the store? pretty please 🥺

i sigh and text back.

me: i guess i will. anything specific you or Ed want?

Em 🤦‍♀️❤️ : nope! just pick what you want! me and Ed will pay you back when you get home ❤️

i roll my eyes and finish closing up shop. once i'm done i start walking to the store, i put in my headphones and listen to some girl in red. once i get there i look down to change my song on my phone and bump into a lady with grey hair, she dropped one of her bags. i instantly start apologizing and bend down to pick it up. she said it was alright and bent down to pick up some of her things and put them in the bag. i hand her the bag and she gives me a smile and thanks me. then she asked me a question i get asked all the time.

"i got a question for you kid. you related to the Blights?" she asked me shifting her bags.

"haha... sadly yes. why?" i asked looking to the side.

"i went to school with your parents. tell them i said hi, also don't end up like them." she said going from a smile to a deadpan. i told her i wouldn't and she gave me a smile again. she ushered off to her car, the license plate said 'OWLBRT' on it. it made me giggle a little bit.

i walk in and grab a cart. i grab the food i need and get out fast. i had a bag with chicken, spinach, breadcrumbs, eggs, and milk. i think this would be yummy to have for dinner. as i walk home i was feeling exhausted. while Ed and Em were making dinner i was going to take a nap. when i get home i unlock the door and see my siblings watching tv. i put the things on the counter and put them in the fridge as the twins were asking me how my day was. "it was good, i finally got a new customer." i say trying to find a place for the eggs.

"that's great Mittens!" Ed said smiling at me, Em shaking her head in agreement. i told them thank you and that i'll be taking a nap until dinner was ready. i walk up to the loft and get changed into my comfy clothes. once changed i lay in bed and fall asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow.

i wake up to Em lightly shaking me awake. i walk down with my sister to the kitchen and make my plate. we sit down on the couch and put on my favorite show. usually during the week we eat at the island, but on fridays my favorite show is on so i convince my siblings to watch it with me. it's called 'The Good Witch Azura: the tv show' and it's essentially the books in a show format. i love it but my siblings say it's dumb and nerdy, i disagree with them.

once i was done eating and we finished the show, i helped Em wash the dishes by drying them and putting them away. we watched a horror movie after cleaning up. it was about a girl who joins a coven because all her family died, it was gruesome to watch. after the movie i was feeling bored and wanted to go on a walk. i asked the siblings if they wanted to go, but they weren't even okay with me wanting to go on a walk late. i told them i was fine and ended up going anyway.

of course my sibling made me make sure to bring my blade and my pepper spray. i threw on a big baggy sweatshirt but kept on my sweatpants since there is no point in changing them. i say goodbye to the twins and go on a walk. i walked around the block and then decided to walk to the park. it was nice to just think. i thought about my family, more specifically my parents. why were they the way they are? why couldn't they let me just be a kid? they made me feel like i could never live up to my siblings.

i would try telling my parents the twins aren't like how they're seen by them, they're so much different. i remember when i was younger i would tattle on them for skipping classes and they still barely got in trouble. but now when i look at it, my siblings saved me. once Ed and Em got older and finally graduated, they moved out and cut contact with our parents. they still kept in contact with me, they told me that they would always be here for me and cared for me. it meant everything to me, the twins were my lifeline when i got into my argument with me parents. both the twins go to the same school as me but going for different degrees. they said that it's not because of the influence of our parents but because they want to do what's right for themselves, and change the world.

while in thought i hear my name be called out, i flip my head in the direction i heard it and saw a familiar face. "Luz!" i exclaimed as i saw her run up to me.

"hey Amity! what are you doing out so late?" she asked joining me on the sidewalk.

"just going for a walk, i can ask you the same question." i pointed out to her.

"me and two of my buddies are hanging out." she told me rubbing the back of her neck. as though on queue two men walk out of the convenient store with bags in their hands. they look towards us and start walking over, i'm guessing Luz noticed my eyes on them and turned around.

"Hooty! King! what'da get?" she exclaimed waving them over. when they walked over the shorter boy started talking.

"we got a twelve pack, a bottle of fireball from your request, bottle of bourbon, and six J's" he said slightly raising one of the bags.

"what are 'J's'?" i question, they all turn to me. the smaller one spoke.

"joints?" he stated in a questioning tone "does she not know what weed is?" he asked Luz, covering his mouth with his hand and loudly whispered.

"yes i know what weed is, i've just never heard that slang for it" i provoked crossing my arms, trying not to feel dumb.

Luz giggles, "wanna join us Blight?"

i turn back and look at her, then look at the bag, and my eyes went back to her. i smile, "sure."

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