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luz p.o.v

she said yes! internally i am dancing! "oh, one second let me call my siblings and let them know i won't be home till later." Amity commented pulling out her phone, "hey Ed, tell Em i won't be home till a bit later. i bumped into someone i know... yes i have a key, i'll make sure to keep you updated... alright, love you guys and see you when i get home." she hung up and turned to me, "they're okay with it!" she informed smiling at me.

"alright let's go guys! i'm excited to tip over cows!" King shouted, Hooty agreed with them as they ran ahead.

"tipping cows?" Amity asked with a puzzled look on her face as she walked beside me.

"yeah! we usually tip cows when we go out like this, don't worry you don't have to do it. i'll sit with you and we can hang out." i reassured her, she gave me a smile and nodded her head. as we walked to the cow pasture the boys set the drinks down near a big tree. i sat down and opened the bags. i give the boys a beer and send them on their way, i wanted to spend quality time with Amity.

She sits next to me putting her back against the tree. i hand her a beer and she accepts it. i grab one out for myself and open it. then of course my dumbass has to say, "cracking open a cold one with the boys" as soon as i said it i felt the most dumb that i've felt in a while. i hear stifled laughter and turn my head, Amity had her hand over her mouth trying not to laugh. it brought a smile to my face. "Noceda why do you have to be so funny sometimes." she tells me when her giggling goes down.

"hey i'm just a comedian!" i exclaimed shrugging my shoulders and smiling at her. i take a sip of my drink and look over to her taking a sip of hers, her face souring as she looks at the drink, "don't like it?" i ask her.

"no, no! i mean yes! wait no! ugh." she replied turning as red as a tomato, " what i mean is i've never tried a beer before so it's a different taste. i usually don't drink. i have tried wine and champagne but not beer."

"wait a second Blight! you've never gotten drunk?!" i ask full of curiosity.

"no i haven't."

"not even tipsy?"

"no. i lived in a very strict household and before moving out here, i had the upmost importance in school." she told me looking down at her drink running her finger along the rim of her drink.

"it's okay! how about i get you blasted tonight as a 'fuck you' to your parents!" i assured trying to keep the mood happy.

"i would love that Luz" she looked up smiling to me. she had a pretty smile, it made my heart warm. the way my name rolled off her tongue just felt so natural too.

i smile to her, " alright! i'll be your fearless champion! whatever happens i'll take care of you!" i smile raising my beer to her, she brings hers up and clinks them together as she laughs. i set mine down and pull out the fireball, "okay so i'm guessing you haven't tried this before but it's strong. it tastes a lot like cinnamon and burns a lot going down, but once i get you high it won't hurt as bad."

"you're going to get me high too?" she asks me as i pull out all i need. i nod in agreement. i open the fireball and take a swig, i start coughing from the pain because i haven't had it in so long. i hand her the bottle and she takes a sip. she coughs right after too. "it burns. it burns." she panicked then taking a big gulp of her beer. i laugh as she complained of it getting worse. i take another swig and smile at her.

i motion the bottle back over to her and she accepts. she takes a another swig and tries to hold in the cough. i hear the boys run up. "oh! you guys opened the fireball! can i take a swig?" King asks, i shake my head in agreement as Amity hands him the bottle. he takes a swig then hands it to Hooty, him doing the same. they hand the bottle back to me.

King sits down, he grabs out the joints and pulls out his lighter. Hooty sits down next to him waiting, "are we smoking one?" Hooty asked looking at King in a questioning way. King shakes his head and opens the bag. i take a swig of my drink then look at Amity, she was looking at stars in the sky. it was pretty, and i didn't mean the stars.

i hear the lighter flicker and see King lighting the joint. he hands it to Hooty and he takes a few puffs. when he hands it to me i ask Amity if she's done it before. she said no. "wanna shotgun?" i ask her taking my first puff.

"we can try." she said shrugging her shoulders and turning more towards me. i take another one and get close to her. i barely felt our lips touch and i instantly felt shivers down my spine. once done with the shotgun she coughs and i give her a pat on the back to help her. i hand the joint back to King, and he stands up.

"while you two are dying, me and Hooty are gonna go find some more cows!" he takes a hit of it and hands it back. i take it from him as the two venture off. i have a puff and offer it to her, she accepts and grabs it. she takes a small hit and coughs a little, i start to giggle.

"what's so funny?" she questioned looking at me. her eyes seemed almost golden like honey in the sun... i need a drink.

"nothin, nothing. just surprised you joined us." i grinned taking a big gulp of the fireball, feeling it burn all the way going down.

"Luz." Amity uttered, "i know i just met you today but you seem like a really good person."

"you going soft on me Blight?" i smirk to her leaning in a bit. she laughed.

"in your dreams." she teased, looking at me.

"i'm surprised you don't have a boyfriend with your beauty." i blurt out almost instantly turning red, the alcohol is getting to me. "unless you have a boyfriend that is." i try to play it cool.

"me? having a boyfriend? sorry but i'm into girl in red." she laughed. wait. wait, wait, wait, wait... SHES A LESBIAN?! "what about you Noceda?"

"ah well i listen to sweater weather." i stuttered out trying really hard to push my blush and awkwardness down.

"ah, which one do you prefer?" she interrogated moving closer.

"um... sweater? oh my god you're not meaning that. i'm into girls more." smooth Noceda, smooth.

"i see. what's your type?" she asked taking another puff and handing it to me.

i blanked.

"girls like you."

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