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Luz p.o.v

me and Amity stayed in each other's embrace for around ten minutes. i rubbed circles on her back as she had her head against my chest. i look around the room just enjoying my surroundings and the girl laying against me. my mind started to wonder off, wait a minute.

"Amity?" i ask puzzled.

"yeah?" she asked raising her head to look at me rubbing her eye.

so cute.

"how do people check out these books if they're in here?" i say pointing to the large array of books against the walls.

"oh! most of them are mine." she tells me looking around the room.

"they're all yours?" i asked absolutely dumbfounded.

"most of them." she corrected. "but a little bit of them are just some of my favorite books that i liked from the library and hid in here."

"how sly. you know sharing is caring, right blight?" i tease, looking over to her.

"yes i do know that." she started, "but i don't care." she laughs out grabbing my beanie and bringing it over my face.

"how dare you." i say jokingly, lifting my beanie from over my eyes.

"i didn't do anything, i don't know what you're talking about." she giggles out, a wide happy smile on her face. i liked seeing her this happy.

"liar!" i yell out trying to grab her with my arms, she stood up faster though.

"come catch me Noceda." the green and brown haired girl mocked out.

"fine then, but just so you know i was team captain of my soccer team in high school." i state standing up and stretching and popping my knuckles.

"and so was i." she tells me smirk on her face, crossing her arms.

"wait really?" i ask dropping my act of trying to catch her.

"yeah, i have a photo on my wall." she points with her thumb behind her to the wall of photos.

"wait. wait. i wanna see." i tell her walking over to the short girl and her pointing at a specific photo on the wall of her and her whole team. "you went to Hexside High?" i ask in shock.

"yeah i did, why?" she asked cocking her head to the side.

"i went to Glandus High." i tell her examining the photo. Amity stood out right away due to her green hair, it was fully colored instead of grown out and slightly shorter. she had on her soccer uniform and the number four prominent on the front. she didn't look as happy as i've seen her, she looked straight faced at the camera as most of the others on her team were smiling. "you look depressed." i mutter out.

"i was, i got a bad score on a test that day so i was in a pissy mood." she tells me crossing her arms. "we most likely went against each other since we're the same age." she explains.

"most likely, isn't that crazy?" i ask her looking to her from the picture.

"small world." she laughs out walking over. i stand up straight as she walked over. before i knew it my beanie was back over my face and the Blight in front of me was laughing.

"okay last straw!" i yell out taking off my beanie and chasing after the smaller girl. she was laughing and mocking me while dodging me grabbing her. i grabbed a hold of her and spun her around "gotcha!" i cheered. she laughed as i spun her.

i set her down and she turnt around to face me. "ew i'm dizzy." she said holding her stomach. i laugh in response. once done with being queasy i checked the time.

"it's only one." i say, geese it felt like it was around three. but there wasn't any light coming in the room so it made sense.

"i can take you to another cool place." she tells me giving me a small smile. how could i say no to that face.

"that sounds like a deal." i agree with her, we get everything ready before we left. once out of the library we start walking down the pathways of the campus. i follow the Blight aimlessly with my hands in my pockets. we enter one of the buildings on campus. "another secret room?" i ask sarcastically.

"not this time Luz, it's a normal room." she tells me smiling and rolling her eyes. i follow her up some stairs and i start to hear music. once we walk down the hall there was a big glass wall, she stops right in front of it. she looks down, my eyes follow. there was a choir playing and you could see them like you were watching from a balcony. "don't they sound amazing?" she asked me looking back at me with almost glitter in her eyes, she looked like she was astonished.

"they do sound really good." i agree, looking at the girl next to me entranced in the music. "can you sing?"

"oh no, no." she laughs nervously waving her hands around. "i just really love music. i thought about being in the choir but my parents would've been pissed." she laughs off.

"they didn't want you joining?" i ask confused.

"yeah, they say 'you're here for an engineering degree, not to sing little songs.' so then i ended up not doing it and missed tryouts. but every once and a while i like to come up here and listen to them." she says looking back down to the choir.

"but aren't you the one paying for it?" i questioned.

"yeah, but i also have a job to pay for this tuition. i just don't have the time anymore for extracurricular activities. hell, i only get two days off a week from work." she says not raising her head from the choir.

i let out a sigh, her family sucks. i reach my hand out and grab onto hers, causing her to look up at me. "then we can watch them until it's over." i tell her with a smile, her giving a big grin in response.

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