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Amity p.o.v

after laughing at the brunette on the floor i helped her up. we finally decided to go to the library, and honestly i just wore what i was wearing. all Luz did was put on a sweatshirt, a pair of sweatpants and of course her beanie.

"hey Amity do you wanna sweatshirt in case it gets cold out?" the tall girl asked handing me a sweatshirt that was black with the printing 'BE GAY DO WITCHCRAFT' on it.

i giggle but accept it anyways. "why does it say this on it?" i asked holding it out to give it a better look.

"Eda got it for me like two years ago for christmas, it was like seven months after i came out." she tells me walking around the room grabbing her last few things and tossed me a pair of socks.

"that's cute." i tell her putting on the sweatshirt then going to sit on the bed to put on the socks she gave me and my shoes.

"i do love my moms." she tells me walking over to the bed and sitting next to me. once finished getting our shoes on i noticed my hair was bothering me. i pull it up and put it all in a messy bun. "your hair looks pretty, you should wear it all up more often." Luz tells me examining my face.

"no thank you, i would look too much like my mom if i did that often." i tell her taking my hand and making a thumbs down.

"awe scared i'm gonna fall for your mom now?" she mocked opening the door to her room giving me a wink.

"sadly not." i giggle out to her, following her out the room. "i just don't personally get along with her. my dads pretty chill but my mom was always super strict on me growing up." i commented, starting to walk down the steps.

"i'm sorry Amity. i forgot about that." she apologizes to me as we reached the end of the stairs.

"no, it's okay. you forgot, and i don't personally get triggered by talking about them. don't worry about it." i smile to her reassuringly. she gives me a smile back as we head out the front door.

as we made our way down the forrest clearing to town i feel a hand take hold of mine, i look down to see a tan hand interlacing fingers with mine. i give a small smile as i felt butterflies start to flutter around in my stomach. i look up to see the tall girl still facing forward, light pink dusted on her cheeks. i could tell she was trying not to look at me, she's so cute. i get closer to her and stand on my toes to reach her, i give her a peck on the cheek and go back to where i was. i looked back to see her face even brighter and it made me giggle.

we walked just enjoying around us, it was very pretty going into fall. fall and spring were my favorite seasons, just perfect weather and temperatures. once we made it to the beginning of town we started walking to the library, we decided the one on campus was closer and went that way. we talked about our classes and which buildings our classes were. since it was sunday not many people were on campus, that meant it would be nice in the library and less awkward. as we walk up to the building Luz let go of my hand to open the door for me, it was super sweet of her and i thanked her as i walked in.

"wanna know a little fun fact?" i asked the taller girl.

"oh what's this fact?" she asked me, raising an eyebrow as we walk into the library.

"i, Amity Blight, used to have a job here when i was little." i tell her turning around to face her and placing my hand on my chest.

"you used to work here?" she asked puzzlingly.

"yes i did! well more like a internship." i corrected "but anyways i wanted to show you something super cool that i found here when i was little." i tell her.

"awe did my Blight read to children?" Luz jokingly swooned.

"actually yes." i say in a matter of fact tone. "now it's time for me to surprise you." i tell her with a smile.

"that sounds perfect mi amor." she says giving me a smile back. i notice her eyes look up and past me, she went from a quizzical look to a smile. she grabbed my hand and dragged me along.

"is something wrong?"

"someone i know is here and i want you to meet them." she tells me. once she stops i slam into her back with a loud 'oof'. Luz turns around to me to see if i'm okay, i wave it off and tell her it's okay. i hear a really familiar voice.

"heya Luz." the voice spoke. Luz turns around and waves. i peak from behind the latina to see black hair, glasses, and a beige trench coat.

"Willow?" i ask stepping out from behind Luz.

"Amity?" she looks at me puzzlingly.

"wait, you two know each other?" Luz asked absolutely dumbfounded pointing back and forth between us two.

"yeah, we went to school together." Willow tells the tall girl next to me. i give a nod in agreement.

"that's absolutely crazy, i never knew that. Why was i never told?" Luz questioned. well this is awkward. me and Willow share a look with each other, we both mentally agreed i would say it.

"me and Willow have a weird past to say the least." i say being weary of my words.

"what do you guys mean?" Luz looked way more confused than before.

"how about we go sit down and talk about it." Willow says putting a hand on Luz's shoulder. we all agree and walk over to a seating area away from most other people.

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