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Amity p.o.v

"do you like it?" i asked the tall brunette next to me.

"this is so awesome." she tells me walking into the room. her face was in awe as she was looking around. books covered two walls of the room, fairy lights covered the ceiling. across from us was my desk with books and other miscellaneous things. plastered on the wall behind it was notes from school, photos, drawings, and posters. there was a blue round rug laying on the middle of the floor taking up most of the floor space. pillows, blankets, and beanbags were all around the room, scattered about with no reason.

i remember to close the bookcase so no one would find where my secret place was. i peak outside to see if there was anyone around, when the coast was clear i close the door. i turn to see Luz at the desk, looking at the contents on the wall. i walk up behind her. "find anything interesting?" i ask her going up beside her to take a look.

"this place is super clean and nice. it's crazy it's been left alone for a while." she stated not taking her eyes off the content in front of her.

"who said i don't come here anymore?" i slyly say looking up to her. she looks down back at me confused.

"but i thought you stopped working here?"

"i don't, but i still come here." i tell her looking back to the things on the wall. "this was my escape from reality growing up, i would come here when i needed to be away from my siblings, and to be honest i still do that. but it helped me with getting away from my fake friends, my parents, school, just all the bad things in the world." i reached up and put my hand on a old Azura poster i had since middle school. i felt a hand on my shoulder and i looked up, i was met with brown eyes and furrowed brows looking down to me. Luz took a few steps and embraced me in a hug.

she didn't say anything. she didn't need to say anything.

all the pent up emotions ended up boiling over and pouring out, i had a lump in my throat and i felt tears start to well in my eyes. i reach my hands up, hugging Luz back. tears started to fall as my cries muffled into her sweatshirt. i felt her grip around me tighten lightly out of worry. i felt bad for doing this to her for only knowing her for a few days, i was probably a lot to handle.

"mi amor?" the latina asked me in a comforting tone.

"yeah?" i stutter out trying to stop myself from crying more.

"let's go sit down, alright? there's a beanbag over there and there's a blanket too." she tells me. i give her a nod and we let go of one another. she takes one of my hands and leads me to the beanbag, i wipe my face with my sleeve of my free arm. she sits down still not letting go of my hand. "come here, it's okay." she reassured opening up her arms to me again. i accept and sit in between her legs, her hand letting go of mine and arms wrapping around me again. i sat and cried for about another five minutes, Luz checking up on me to ask if i was feeling better and telling me reassuring words.

once i calm down i lift my face from her chest and wipe my face with my sleeve. i look up to her and see sadness on her face. her eyebrows were furrowed, her lips lightly pursed together examining me. "i'm sorry." i tell her shame washing over me.

"Amity you don't have to be sorry, it's okay to have emotions." she tells me reaching her hand up to cup my cheek. she gives me a light smile, "okay?"

i give her a nod, "thank you, Luz."

"anything for you mi amor." she tells me giving me a kiss on the forehead. we sat there just sitting in each other's presence for a short bit of time, i lent my head on her chest and listened to her heartbeat as she drew circles on my back. this was the most comfort i've had in years. of course my siblings would comfort me, but it wasn't like this. this felt different in some way, this was more stable and made me feel whole. i cherished this moment more than anything, i knew i would remember it forever. this girl already meant so much to me.

i didn't want to say it but i think i gained romantic feelings for Luz Noceda that day.

before that moment i knew i had romantic interest in her, but it was starting to grow faster than it needed to. i opened my heart to her, my real self, and she took it with open arms. this meant more to me than almost anything. she was too magical to pass up.

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