Amity p.o.v
i can't believe she did that. she stood up for me. she really does care for me. i usually know how to take care of my own situations like that but i don't think i've met anyone who has been willing to stand up for me to that extent. i stood there in awe, hopefully she didn't think it was in terror.
she was still shook up from it when we left. i could even notice she had a tight grip on her knife still. i gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and rubbed her hand with my thumb. i heard her take a deep breath and saw her shoulders rest down. she looked over at me and she seemed as though she all of a sudden back to the Luz i knew. the caring one that looks like they wouldn't hurt a fly, that would help you if you were hurt, mentally or physically.
she gave me a soft smile and turned back to looking at where she was going. i felt her perk up next to me and when i looked back up to her she turned to me and said, "we're almost there. cover your eyes." she gave me a goofy grin. i give her a giggle back and cover my eyes with my hand. i heard her switch her knife back into itself and heard her shuffle it in her pocket. i felt her hands place on top of mine. "just in case you try to peak." she laughed. she started guiding me and telling me where to step.
my face was becoming a straight up tomato, i could feel all the heat rushing to my face. Luz was so close to me. i could feel her pushed up near my back, and both her hands were on top of mine. alright, calm down Amity. it's not like anything is going to happen.. maybe.. NO! not those types of thoughts. you have known each other for a day! a day! get it together!
"here." i heard the tall girl behind me say as she released her hands from mine. i pull down my hands to see a beautiful pink flowered tree so tall and so extravagant. it looked over the sea on a cliff, this place seemed familiar. like i've been here in a different life. i was absolutely amazed. how have i not been here before? it was stunning. the forrest of Bonesborough was much more beautiful than the city.
"wow.." i say in amazement.
"you like it here?" luz turned to me asking the question, pink dusted on her cheeks.
"absolutely beautiful." i tell her.
"just like you.." she whispered. i don't think she meant for me to hear it. i get on my toes and give her a kiss on the cheek. her face instantly became red on her tan skin. she raises her hand to her cheek where i kissed it.
"let's go sit under it." i take hold of her hand and bring her over to the tree. we sit under it together. and she asked me the question of all questions.
no she didn't ask me to marry her.
"ready for your surprise?" she asked taking the bag and setting it in front of me. i light up and open the bag. two paper lanterns, a snack which was in unusual packaging, and a lighter. "the lanterns are for the ceremony. we'll release them at 10 when they usually let them go. and let me see that snack for a sec." she requests from me and i hand to her. this was the sweetest thing from her.
i hear her start to giggle. "what's wrong?" i ask her concern laced in my voice.
"King bought us edibles!" she starts cracking up, then she pauses, " that means that fucker used his own money! i hate when he does that!" she complained to the sky. it makes me giggle, she turns to me and starts again laughing too.
"i've never had an edible before." i tell her leaning over to observe the snack she was holding.
"you haven't?" she questioned.
"nope." i say shaking my head no.
"oh yeah you didn't smoke until last night!" she scratched the back of her head remembering. i give her a nod in agreement. "well next surprise is... drumroll please." she exaggerated waiting forever for me to do something. i start tapping my fingers against me knees and start making a drumming noise with my mouth. the brunette clears her throat and reaches for her back pocket. "a joint!" she exclaims holding it up in the air as though it is something precious. i start to die from laughter.
"oh my god!" it almost felt like i couldn't breath i was laughing so hard, "i can't breath!" i laugh rolling onto my side and covering my stomach with my arms.
"hey! what's so funny!?" she laughs back.
"you! you dummy!" i asserted to her in a sarcastic tone.
"i'll give you something to laugh over!" next thing i knew she was tickling my sides and i was practically rolling around asking her to stop through my laughs. she smiled the whole time and was laughing along, until she stopped.
"what's wrong?" i asked her instantly becoming worried if it was the boys from earlier. she kept looking me in the eyes, she didn't answer. she just seemed entranced looking at me. she was to the left of me near my side, but she was hovering over me. both hands by the sides of my head. "are you okay Luz?" i questioned with worry.
her face instantly brightens up and she sits up as fast as she could. "oh my god i'm so sorry. i like got really caught up in the moment." she puts her hands on her face, "like you looked really pretty and i've never heard you laugh like that it was great. it felt like i saw a different side of you." she kept blabbering on and on. honestly i haven't seen this flustered side of her either.
i raise my arms and grab light hold of her wrists. i move them down and look into her eyes. "it's okay Luz, don't worry. that's actually really sweet of you. also i haven't seen you this flustered either." i laugh to her. the look of embarrassment left her face which then filled with her usual cheeky smile. i love that smile.

coffee {lumity barista au}
FanfictionLuz Noceda goes to Hexside University, she's a freshman and barely knows how to keep up with her schoolwork. She lives with her adoptive mother Eda, and Eda's two roommates King and Hooty. Amity Blight also goes to Hexside with her brother Edric an...