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Luz p.o.v

"Willow you're the worst." i say to the girl next me as we all walk to our lecture. i walked with my bike beside me.

"i was sitting there for like two minutes." Willow defends. "besides, she's at work. i'm pretty sure you're not supposed to be all over your girlfriend at her work."

"we're not dating!" i tell her feeling heat rise to my face.

"oh, i thought you guys were." Gus said holding the straps of his backpack.

"yeah, me too." Willow said raising their hand in agreement. "i mean you guys even kiss and everything. what happened to the 'won't kiss until dating' thing?"

"okay, well she's different. she spent the weekend over at my place and in all honesty i think i gained feelings for her." i explain.

"how long have you two even known each other?" Gus asks looking over to me.

"okay this might sound crazy but you guys can't judge me." i insisted putting up a hand to explain. "four days?"

"four days? also why are you stating it like a question?" Willow raised an eyebrow.

"ugh. well, since friday. i met her at the coffee shop and then ran into her later that night. she got drunk and high with me and-." i was cut off by Gus.

"DID YOU GUYS HAVE SEX?!" he screams out. i smack a hand against his mouth. people around us looking over to us.

"no!" i whisper yelled, letting go of his mouth. "she ended up staying the weekend because me and her just really got along." i tell him going back to my normal voice.

"did you meet her siblings?" Willow asked unfazed about what just happened with Gus.

"yeah i met them yesterday when i dropped Amity off. they seemed to like me." i say looking over to her.

"wow. Mattholomule didn't even get that far." Gus said astonished.

"who's Mattholomule?" i ask looking between both of them.

"her ex." Willow said.

"wait. she has a ex boyfriend?" my jaw was practically touching the floor.

"well it was before she came out so she probably was questioning." Willow reassured.

"how long did they date for?" i stammered out.

"like a year and a few months." Gus said putting his hand up to his chin to think.

"A YEAR?!" i yell out.

"yeah. but like i said, she never even let him meet her parents or her siblings. hell, she didn't even like holding his hand at all. i'm pretty sure they only dated because he was of high status and that's what her parents wanted." Willow reassured placing a hand on my shoulder. "Mattholomule has literally been her only ex. she really likes you Luz. i have never seen her more flustered around a person. what is she like around you?"

"well," i start. "she practically has a red face around me all the time, she has always kissed me back, she laughs around me, she hugs me, she is always super cocky with me, and she even stood up for me around some guys that were being mean to me."

"Luz, she's in love with you." Willow stated with a deadpan look on her face. my face turned red.

"no way! she probably just likes me. she's a really pretty girl, she probably has others she's talking to." i say waving my arm around in defense.

"no she's in love with you." Gus agreed. "for as long as i've known her she has never acted like that in her life. and trust me, she's not the hoe type either. she's always put work above most relationships. she really likes you Luz."

"i really hope so." i say letting out a sigh. my friends are the best. they know exactly how to cheer me up.

"we know so." Willow said opening the door to the building our lecture was in. i run my bike over to the bike rack and lock it up. i run inside with both of them and we go to our room. we take our seats next to each other and i pull out my notes to go over before our test.

so i barely passed my test. i got a C- on it, but that's still passing. Gus was in this class because he wanted to become a teacher, and not any type of teacher, a fantasy teacher. it was almost like a literacy teacher but you only do fantasy books. Willow is in here for Neuropsychology, her reason behind it was because she said, and i quote, 'like to be in people's heads.' it was really creepy at first but it's pretty understandable now since i've gotten to know her.

Gus works for his dad who is a news reporter for Bonesborough. Gus has always been good with people so it made sense on why this wasn't a big thing for him as a job. Willow sells pot that she grows in her basement. which i guess makes sense since she has always had a green thumb for plants. i usually just sit with Eda at her stand and help her by counting money or bringing things from the back, i never took part in the actual scams though.

once i got my score i took a photo of it and sent it to Amity.

me: look! i got a C- 🥳

mi amor 🥰: good job! at least you passed ❤️

even when she was being rude she was still nice to me. maybe Gus and Willow were right.

me: thank you mi amor ❤️ you're the sweetest! i'll be out of class in about 30 minutes and then i can see my sweetpea 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

mi amor 🥰: pay attention to class Noceda! and this time make sure to take notes.

ouch. but she was right. when i was about to put my phone away another text popped up.

mi amor 🥰: i can't wait to see you ❤️ i'm proud of you love.

a smile grew on my face as i put my phone away. and of course instead of paying attention i instead i thought about the short, green haired girl.

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