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luz p.o.v

my arms were starting to get tired from holding Amity. look, carrying a girl on your back who's passed out for probably a mile hurts you after a bit ya know? but she was so calmly sleeping that i couldn't stand myself to wake her up. Hooty offered to carry her since he's more strong, but of course i said i had it by myself.

the walk home made my body ache, but once we were there i was so excited to lay in my bed. oh shit- i forgot Eda lives with us. "King what are we going to say about Amity being here?" i asked wearily as we walk to the back door of the house.

"hide her in your room and if Eda ends up finding out say you invited her over after Eda fell asleep." he said in such a matter of fact way. to be truely honest he was pretty right, let's just hope Eda won't be mad i didn't ask her. i mean i was over eighteen years old, i can have some of my own freedoms.

we enter the back door quietly and make our way to our rooms. King taps my shoulder before we ascend the stairs, "hey i'll follow you to your room and set these on your desk for you." King whispered to me, raising the plastic bag into my view. i nod my head and start going up the stairs to my room.

King helps me by opening my door. i walk in with Amity and lightly set her on my bed, she stirred a little before relaxing again. i sigh in relief and stretch my body. i hear King set the bag on my desk, he whispered good night and gave me a smile. i tell him the same thing back and he leaves the room closing the door silently.

i look down at Amity and see her sleeping so comfortably. i sigh and take off her shoes, she was already wearing sweats so i just let her wear those to sleep. i then go sit on my chair at my desk, take off my shoes, socks, and beanie. i hide the bag of things under my bed, trying not to make too much noise. then got up and grabbed some clothes to change. i start to lift my shirt then remember Amity is in the same room as me, i look over to see her still sleeping soundly. just to be safe i leave the room and walk down the hall to the bathroom. i enter and get changed into my usual boxers and tank top.

i walk back to the room and see amity under the covers. i smile at her as she sleeps, her breathing the only sound in the room. i walk up to the bed and then tried my hardest not to wake her as i crawled on the bed. she had the left while i had the right, i was right next to the wall. i lay down and grab a different blanket so she could have the one she's using to herself. i lay on my back and look at the ceiling. i had those glow in the dark stars on my ceiling, i loved them. even though i was way older than i was when i decided to put them up, i still adored looking at them.

i hear ruffling next to me and i turn my head to look over. Amity was flipped on her side towards me, the light from the moon shining through my window hitting her face in such a way to define all her features. it made my heart skip a beat. i turn to my side so i can look at her face more, she looked so calm.

i forgot to tell her siblings she's here.

i sit up and lean over Amity to grab her phone to text the group chat. when i grab the phone i feel a arm wrap around my mid-torso. i look down and see the Blight nuzzle into my chest. my face instantly feels on fire and i take a sharp breath in. i slowly open the phone and text her siblings, i tell them we have been home for about an hour and that Amity is sleeping. i didn't get a text back which made me guess her siblings were asleep.

i look down to see Amity cuddling against my stomach. i slowly sink back down, sliding under the covers. her head was now near my chest, i felt her breathing in and out giving me shivers. i hesitantly put my arm around her and put my other arm under her neck. i felt her get closer to me. my eyes grow heavy as i felt her breathing, syncing mine with hers. i fall asleep feeling content.

when i wake up i was on my back, Amity still cuddling me the same as last night. did she even move? my bladder felt like it was going to explode, i had to pee so bad. the sun rays shine in lightly, not too much to wake the sleeping Blight next to me. i slowly pull my arm under from her neck and try my hardest to move without waking her. after about three minutes i was able to escape from her grasp and sit up. i ruffle my hair out and slowly crawl off the bed, i walk out sneakily to the bathroom and go pee. once done i wash my hands and look in the mirror at myself, i stretched and popped my back.

i check in on Amity before i went down stairs to make breakfast, since she'll most likely have a hangover. she was just as asleep as when i left. i give her a pat on the head and walk downstairs. Eda and the boys were downstairs at the dinner table. Eda reading the newspaper and both the boys eating cereal. "good morning kid." Eda greets not even looking up from the paper in her face.

"Morning." i say to her as i pull out a pan to make hash browns mixed with eggs. she gets up and walks over to me as i'm reaching into the fridge to grab the eggs.

"so who's that in your room?" Eda confronts as i freeze. i forgot i didn't tell her Amity is over. as Eda spoke the boys instantly stopped eating.

i laugh nervously, "just a friend Eda." i look up still paused and give her a crooked smile. usually i don't get confronted in this tone, and when i do it ends up bad.

"why didn't you ask for my permission?" i could hear the anger growing in her voice.

"because i'm over eighteen?" why did i just ask it like a question?

before i could say anything else i'm getting whacked in the head by Eda's newspaper.

"i'm sorry! i'm sorry!" i apologize trying to block the hits from her.

"you're under my roof Noceda! i love you but common! if you're going to do the nasty with someone don't do it in my house!" she scolded still whacking me.

"we didn't do anything! i promise! she just needed a place to stay!" i beg to her while on the ground getting hit.

"guys!" King shouts out, we both turn to him and Eda stops hitting me. he points over to the opening leading to the kitchen.

Amity was standing there.

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