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Amity p.o.v

i hop in the shower and let the water run over me. it was nice being in a warm shower. i was starting to feel gross not showering. i hear footsteps walk past the bathroom and then come back and walk past again. that might be Luz. i wasn't gonna tell her but i noticed she went down the stairs without anyone else's plate, she most likely forgot.

she's so silly.

i snap myself out of it and then got hit with instant realization. i don't know what shampoo or conditioner to use. they seem to have a lot of different kinds on shelves in the shower.

i must have been staring and zoned out for way too long on this because i hear a knock on the door. i yelped out a "hello?" panic inducing me as i sit there.

"hey it's me!" relief washes over me as i release my tensed muscles. "am i good to come in?"

"hey Luz." i tell her, "you can come in."

i hear the door unlock and footsteps enter the room. panic started to arise again, oh lord what if i slip and fall on my head and then she has to save me. i felt heat rise to my face as i practically become a tomato. ah and i should probably ask which things i should use.

"Luz?" i stuttered getting out.

"yeah what's up mi amor?" she asked nonchalantly.

"you never told me what products i'm supposed to use." i'm practically embarrassed out of my mind at this point.

"oh my god, i'm so sorry, i totally forgot!" she laughs out and on queue i tan hand just sticks into the shower from between the shower curtain and wall. i yell a small 'eep' and instinctively throw my hands up to my chest. "don't panic! i'm sorry for scaring you! i can't see anything! honest!" she ushered out waving her hand around that i could see. she points at three bottles and tells me which ones to use. i give her a small thank you as she pulls her hand back. "no problem, i probably made you uncomfortable i'm sorry." she apologized. "i can go if you would like me to." i heard footsteps walking to the area of the door.

"no, no, it's okay." i reassured her. "you can stay in here and hang out for a little if you want." she gives a hum of agreement and from what i could hear i think she sat down on the countertop. we start small talk as i wash my hair and body, i poke my head out to look at the tall brunette. she was on the counter right next to the sink on her phone, her short hair a mess as her longer tuffs of hair poof out from not being brushed. she wore rainbow boxers which i thought was a cute detail. she wore a normal black sports bra, if i wore that i would be killed in my house. of course not with the twins but with my parents, they would think i was being too provocative. Luz was very slim so it make sense she could wear that and have it be normal. but with me i got more of my moms curves as i got older, so i wouldn't be able to get away with it. i love my body but everyone always says i'm too pretty to be gay, it honestly hurts my feelings.

brown eyes drift up to meet mine, "need a towel?" she asked me. i nod my head and i feel heat rise to my face. i turn off the water grab the towel Luz handed me. i dry off and wrap it around my body. i pull back the curtain to see Luz staring straight at me. we keep eye contact for about three seconds before her face turns red and she breaks eye contact. "uhh anyways do you want me to leave so you can change?" she offers to me grabbing the clothes and handing them to me.

"you can just turn around, it's okay." i give her a small smile and grab the clothes from her. she gets up from her spot and turns around. once i noticed she wouldn't look over i turned around and started getting dressed. she gave me a pair of black and white plaid pajama pants and a black t shirt. i slip on the shirt and put on the pants. they fit all pretty nicely so i didn't have to worry. "Luz, i'm done." i tell her walking up to her.

she turns around and smiles at me. "everything fit good?" she asked. i give her a nod and a small smile, she puts her hand up to my hair and moved it out of the way. she leaned down and planted a kiss on my forehead. "you're very beautiful." she tells me bending down to my face.

"you're the beautiful one Noceda." i admired looking back and forth from her lips and her eyes.

"liar." she whispered closing the gap between us. yeah, i really really liked this girl. her lips always felt perfect against mine. she breaks away from the kiss and looks me in the eyes, i loved her brown eyes. her eyes were large and lustrous, it felt like they called to me in some way and i was overcome by them. she moved her hand from the top of my head to under my chin not once taking her eyes off mine. she tilts my head up so she could stand more upright. "god you're perfect." she swooned before kissing me again. she's way too amazing. my heart felt like it was going to explode. she wraps her other arm around my waist and pulls me close.

for about ten minutes we made out in the bathroom, honestly i'm embarrassed talking about it. after that i helped her with her hair to make it less messy and she helped me with mine. she holds my hand as we walk out of the bathroom, looking both ways down the hallway. we walk down to her room.

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