Happy 9th

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"Wake up sleepy head!"

His wife has already parted the curtains and is now pulling the cords of the window blinds to let the natural light get in their bedroom.

With half-closed lids, he tried to cover the light coming from the rays of the sun directly hitting his face.

"Baaaabe! I'm still sleepy and the sunbeams are painful in the eyes," he groaned as he searched for another pillow to cover his face from the light.

He could clearly hear his wife's spirited laughter reverberating in their bedroom.

"Rise and shine vampire!" His wife jumped on their bed and was pulling the pillow covering his face.

"Vampires sleep during daytime babe." His eyes are still closed as he let his wife remove the pillow covering his face then reached his hands to his wife who gladly took it then laid next to him.

"Wake up na papa vampy!" His wife gave him a smack on the lips.

"Mmm," a small smile formed on his lips showing a little bit of his dimples on both cheeks.

"Come on, it's time for breakfast or we might as well call it brunch 'cause it's almost ten in the morning."

Still sleepy, he let his wife pull him up as they headed out of their bedroom.


"Sir Panch called several times a while ago."

"Really? Oh, I love this babe! Breakfast by the pool!"

His wife nodded. "He said you need to call him back."

"Aaaah, I will, after brunch, I'm too famished to call him. Shall we eat?" He pulled a chair from their poolside dining set and let his wife have a seat.

"Well, seems like a breakfast by the pool would make you a morning person babe." His wife smiled thoughtfully as she started to pour the freshly brewed coffee in his mug.

"What's with today?" He asked curiously.

His wife has lovingly prepared a sumptuous breakfast by the pool. Usually his wife would prepare just one type of breakfast. But today, for some reason he still hasn't figured out, his wife went all out and prepared more than one type of breakfast.

On the table is a mix of American, English and Filipino breakfast. On one end of the table is a basket of mixed pastries from slices of loaf to muffins to donuts to diner rolls to pandesal. In front of the basket is a selection of different fruit jams, butter, cheese and maple syrup. On the other end of the table are cereals, yogurt and slices of various fresh fruits. Beside it are a jar of fresh milk, orange juice, lemon infused water and freshly brewed coffee. At the center of the table are freshly cooked pancakes, fried garlic rice, spam, danggit, longganisa, beef tapa, bacon, sausage and sunny side up eggs.

"The kids ate ahead of us. They still have classes today," her wife answered his unasked question as he saw the used plates stacked up on the kitchen trolley.

He smiled at the sight of the used plates. He sure knows who ate eggs and left the yoke. He also knows who was greatly influenced by his wife to eat a heavy Pinoy breakfast because as his wife says - breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And he definitely knows who only ate cereals and fruits with fresh milk for breakfast and would be running to them complaining of hunger just before the clock hits twelve noon.

They're almost done with breakfast slash brunch when he remembered. "Oh yeah! Panch asked me to send a video greeting for the AshBoos!" He recalled his conversation with his manager the night before.

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