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He was waiting in his car - patiently, furiously, jealously. He couldn't explain his emotions at this very hour. His emotions are in a negative turmoil.

They have to stick with the script and he has to do his part. He badly needed a distraction because he might not be able to stop himself from gate crashing and walking into that intimate concert setup and grab his woman from him. Oh the pros and cons of having a relationship with the popstar royalty of the country.

He was trying to count from one to one hundred inhaling after each count when in the middle of counting, his phone rang.

"Hello.." he inhaled sharply.

"Hey man, are you ok? Did I disturb you?"

"No, I'm not fine, and as a matter of fact you disturbed me from counting."

The voice on the other line chortled. "Counting what?"

"I ugh..was trying to count from one to one hundred.."

His manager on the other line couldn't hold his laughter that echoed to his phone. He slightly moved his phone a little farther from his ears to avoid his manager's deafening laugh.

"What is so funny?" He asked annoyed.

"You are so funny dude! I can't believe you resorted to counting and inhaling as a distraction. What are you, a kid?"

"Damn! I badly needed a distraction, else, God forbid I might really punch that guy over there!"

"Easy man, easy! I could help you with the distraction."

"How?" He asked, his forehead creased.

"I have good news. The editing of your concert last June is finally complete. We made it to the deadline and of course credits to SM for allowing us to broadcast your concert."

"Cool! I totally forgot about that."

"Also, I forwarded to you the teaser video. Take a look at it and let me know if there are revisions that need to be done. But your inputs were incorporated to the teaser as well as to the video. Now, I need you to post the announcement on your social media accounts. That would be a great distraction right?"

"Ok, I can do that." He agreed.

And he did. But he made a mistake of checking what's trending and the top one trending topic made his face grimace again. He was tempted to tap on the hashtag and see the tweets but he stopped himself. If he'll do it, he'd be rubbing more salt to the wound.

He inhaled sharply and chanted 'Think happy thoughts!' and 'Chill man!' numerous times.

He was browsing through his gallery when he saw the face paint they did last Easter. He was a panda while she was a dog and he can't help but chuckle at the memories. For the nth time, he inhaled deeply. They have to get used to this, especially him. He can't help but compare himself to an underdog in this real life script they got themselves into. He said he would never get into acting but look at where he is now. Oh the things you do for love or rather the things that love makes you do.

He has broken many of his I wont's and I can'ts, because of her. He can't wait for the day this real life script would be over so he could get back to his happy-go-lucky, go-with-the-flow, i-dont-care and chill self.

He was awakened by a knock on his side of the window. A worried face of the woman he loves was revealed when he opened his eyes.

'I must have dozed off,' he muttered silently. He unlocked the car and waited for her to get in. He also saw him driving off giving them a honk. He couldn't answer as he hasn't started the car engine yet.

He smelled the alcohol she rubbed on her hands.

"How are you? Did you get bored waiting for me, that you dozed off to sleep? Let me see." She was examining his face side to side checking if something has changed.

"I'm fine," he smiled at her. 'Liar!' Shouted his mind.

"Did you get jealous?" She asked softly.

"Always." He admitted.

"Oh my bubba, you know it's pure work right? And this is a fund raising event, I can't say no. I wanted to give help the most that I can."

He nodded. But still, even if he knows it's pure work, he can't help but get jealous. Maybe he just needs to be better at pretending and managing his feelings.

"Shall we go home? I'll make you your favorite midnight snack." She smiled at him.

He smiled while shaking his head. "Tsk! Now you're bribing me huh? Ok, let's go home." He repeated after her as he started the car engine.

She was holding his hand that was on the gear stick. "Hey, there's no need to be jealous ok..know this, no matter how many roles they give me, especially this one, playing a wife that may seem real, know that at the end of the day, I will always go home to you, you are my home, Bubba."


A/N: I needed distraction so I wrote this. Hahaha! I know this is crazy but yes, this is the effect of missing A and B and badly wanting them to push through with an AshBoo concert. Still not giving up. 💪 This is supposed to be another chapter in TDKAU but since I'm still on a writer's block, might as well just put it here. 😂 Oh and the what if? What if AM is scripted and AB is the real deal? Again, this is AU! 😂

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