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She was busy as a bee today. Aside from the numerous cases that she needs to review, her beloved aunt who is her only family is asking her a big, big favor that she cannot turn down because her aunt is so dear to her.

This morning's conversation added up to her stress. If only she can divide herself so she can get as many work to be done, she will.

She couldn't understand why her aunt who is way past her fangirling age is going berserk and giddy over a rockstar. She's also had her crushes in movies and in netflix series but not to the extent where she'll be a super fangirl like what her aunt does.

She shook her head while remembering her aunt's craziness - queueing for several hours just to see your idol, holding up those idol banners and led lights, buying gifts and celebrating your idol's success, awards, birthdays. "My, my, what a waste of time, I got lots of better things to do" she was speaking to herself.

Between she and her aunt, she's the more serious type while her aunt is the bubbly and more childish one. Talk about reversal of roles.

Her aunt is in Ireland for a six month project but she kept on bugging her to do her fangirl duties in behalf of her.

Just like today, her aunt wanted her to buy relief goods that she'll deliver to her aunt's fans club headquarters. She was adamant at first but with a Please and I Love You in her aunt's sweetest tone, she can't say no anymore.

She sighed. She needs to finish reviewing the cases tonight so she can do her aunt's fangirl duties the next day. Because she was too tired, she slept on her table with the cases that she was reviewing serving as her pillow.

She was awakened with a call coming from her phone.

"Sarah dear, wakey, wakey!"

"Tita naman, ang aga pa" she groaned.

"Huh? Ano'ng maaga? Alas nuwebe na ng umaga, maaga pa ba yan?"

"Madaling araw na kasi ako nakatulog kagabi kasi andami kong cases na nireview, may tatapusin pa nga ako mamaya e" she explained to her aunt.

"E paano naman yung favor ko?" her aunt pouted cutely.

"Aiissssh, titaaaaaaa, matutulog muna ako saglit. Promise, I'll do your fangirl duties this afternoon" as she slumped to her bed and hugged her pillows.

"Ok, ok, if you say so, balitaan mo ako ha!"

And they ended the call.


She woke up at around 2 in the afternoon that made her hurry. She took a shower as fast as she can, in a rush, she just ate whatever leftover food she had last night - a slice of pizza and brewed coffee, then she changed into her faded jeans and white shirt. "So much for a proper meal" she mumbled as she got her LV sling bag then left her unit to carry out her aunt's fangirl duties.

As instructed by her dear aunt, she purchased what's in the list sent to her and hurriedly drove to her aunt's fans club headquarters. She isn't familiar with the place but thank God for waze, she was able to find her way.

"Good afternoon po! Dito po ba yung KK headquarters?" she wasn't sure if she is in the right place.

"Good afternoon po, yes po" greeted the person she talked to.

"Aaahhh, ako nga po pala si Sarah, pamangkin po ako ni tita Lea, may mga pinadala po kasi siyang mga relief goods so I'm dropping them by in behalf of her."

"Ahhhh, si miss Lea, sige po, sayang nga po at wala po sya ngayon, lagi po yung active sa mga projects namin."

"Ahhh ganun po ba?" she smiled shyly but in her mind 'I know right, naku, hindi ko magets kung bakit ganun sya makafangirl sa idol nyo'.

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