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"Hey!" She felt someone lightly tap her shoulders.

Still sleepy, she looked up. "Oh, you're already here."

"Sorry, you had to wait a little while." He smiled apologetically as he gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Wake up sleeping beauty, we gotta go."

"Just a little while please." She pleaded as she returned to her sleeping position, her head resting sideways on her folded arms on her dresser.

He sat beside her and mimicked her, crossing both his arms on her dresser and facing her sleeping pretty face. He watched her silently, giving her the five minutes that she'd asked for. He was smiling for no reason at all just by watching her sleeping. He really is head over heels with her. He then started humming Beauty and the Beast's Tale as Old as Time.

She opened one eye then another. "OMG! Are you gonna do a Disney song?" She was suddenly up with her senses.

"That did the trick." He smiled victoriously. "Shall we go princess?" He stood up, bowed in front of her and extended his hand like a prince.

She sighed. "Ayie, ayie." She stood up and took his hand as they walked outside of her dressing room hand in hand.

"How was your gig?"

"It was fun as always. I wished you were there though. And you, how was your shoot?"

"It was a breeze, we actually finished earlier. I still got enough time to grab some coffee while working on the slight changes on the arrangement of my kid's songs for the finals."

"Oh, you're really that competitive huh?"

"You're right! I damn am! I have lived and breathed it since I started joining singing contests."

"Which makes you a tough one to beat!"

"Ha! Look who's talking. Your acts are the tough ones to beat. Which makes me wonder what you and your kid has in store for us this time. Are you gonna do Disney? Come on, tell me please?" She was looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Nuh-uh! It's a secret. It's a surprise." He smiled at her cuteness.

He had already opened the door to the passenger side of his car and was ushering her inside.

"Well then, may the best coach win." She gamely stretched out her hand for a hand shake. He took it, only to pull her closer and hug her tightly. He then gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"You ready for date night?"

She nodded.


He heard her humming a very familiar song as he was making his way to their kitchen. How could he not know? It is her song for her father.

He woke up a little late today and he caught her preparing breakfast for them while humming the tune. He walked silently, surprising her when he hugged her from the back.

"Morning babe!" He kissed her nape. He couldn't get enough of her fragrance that he kept inhaling her scent as they stayed in that back hug position while he was watching her cook.

"Hmm..morning, you're sleeping soundly, I felt bad waking you up. You must be really so tired from all of last night's happenings." She was now flipping the chicken and mushroom omelette that she's cooking on the other side.

"I heard you."


They heard the ding sound from the oven toaster.

"I'll get it." He said as he took the slices of toasted wheat loaf bread from the oven toaster. "Is that what you're singing later?" He got some butter and jam from the fridge.

"Yeah, it's one of my kid's favorite songs." She has already plated the omelette with some green salad and is now serving it on their dining table.

"Classic contest piece. And very dear to you."

"You could say that. But we have a good fight, don't you think?"

They're already seated side by side and starting to munch on their breakfast.

"You always do. You have a lot of supporters out there." He started spreading butter and jam on his loaf bread.

"Oh, by the way, I borrowed your iPad a while ago." She smiled mischievously.

"You what? Why?" He was about to sip his coffee but decided to put down his mug. "Hmnnn, are you trying to spy what my kid and I are gonna sing later?" He squinted his eyes as he started to tickle her on both sides.

"Boo stop!" She was wriggling and gasping for air as her laughter echoed through their entire unit.

When she got the chance, she stood up swiftly and started running away from him. But his reflexes were so fast that he trapped her between him and the kitchen countertop.

"Oh no, you can't escape me babe."

"I'm..I'm not trying to escape." She swallowed hard. She couldn't move. She was frozen with the intensity of his gaze.

"Oh yes you are. You're not a good liar babe. I can look to your eyes and I'll know when you're telling a lie."

His lips was just a few millimeters away from hers, she could feel his breath fanning her face. She was anticipating his kiss as she closed her eyes and swallowed again as she's feeling her throat getting dry. A few moments had passed but he wasn't kissing her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw him stifling his laugh.

"You're so mean!"

"That's what you get for spying on our performance later!" He was laughing so hard.

"I hate you!" She attempted to throw a punch on his shoulders but he was quick to avoid her punch. She attempted another one but just like her first punch, her second punch didn't reach him.

Frustrated, she started walking away from him and grudgingly slumped on her chair at their dining table.

'Uhuh! Now she's irked.' He thought silently. Thoughts of her ignoring him and not talking to him are running in his mind. 'This is dangerous.'

"Hey!" He slowly sat beside her. He received no answer from her as he saw her concentrating on slicing the green salad into tiny pieces.

"Babe.." Still no answer from her. He's amused at her childishness. One moment, she's clingy and lovey-dovey, then another she's getting physical and then another she's grumpy and ignoring him, and then another she's emotional and crying and the list goes on.

He still hasn't figured out or probably would never figure out how to deal with this beautiful, enchanting, complicated, multipolar, dangerous creature, called Sarah. One thing's for sure though, the "Happy wife, happy life" code always applies.

He sighed. "Alright, you win. We're doing a Disney song."

She looked at him and smiled triumphantly. "Ha! I knew it! You even tricked me by singing Tale as Old as Time from Beauty and the Beast! It's not from Beauty and the Beast right?"

He shook his head. "No, it's not." He confirmed.

"I do think I now know what you're gonna sing. I don't know how you're gonna do it. I'm actually intrigued and excited as well. So yeah, surprise everyone! I know you and your kid will do good. But my kid and I are gonna beat you."

"Ok, alright," he shrugged his shoulders. "Now, come here and give me a kiss."

She obliged.

"Mmmmm." He smiled as he felt her lips crushing onto his.


A/N: (1/2) This got longer than expected that I had to cut the story into two parts. Part 1 is a sneak peek on how A and B are, as a married couple. I can't stop smiling imagining a pabebeng A with tantrums and a very understanding and patient B. What if A and B are a married couple working as coaches in The Voice. Blake and Gwen inspired. 😉

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