Let It Go

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The first note from the electric guitar confirmed her hunch. They are singing Disney's Frozen's Let It Go. She was literally sitting at the edge of her chair, all ears and all eyes to him and his kid performing.

'So this is what he's saying,' she was talking to herself.

You already sang this song. Your ears might have already gotten tired of listening to this song so that's why we're gonna give it a twist. You'll love it. I'm a hundred percent sure. She recalled him telling her over breakfast earlier that day.

She was wondering, 'How in the world would they sing it? Will he be prince charming and will they sing it in a disney like manner? Or will he bring out the rocker out of his kid and make a rock version out of it? How are they gonna collaborate?'

Just wait for it. You'll be surprised. It'll be enchanting and electrifying. He was so full of confidence telling her about the song that he and his kid will be performing.

The moment he opened his mouth to sing, she couldn't help but still be amazed at his creativity and artistry. She's so sure this performance will be a trending topic worldwide. She is so proud of him. He always, always, surprises and exceeds expectations.

'This is so lit! He's really a musical genius!' She was smiling to herself.

All throughout the performance, she can't keep herself from smiling.

She's actually worried for his kid but he did so well in mentoring his kid that his kid was able to match and reciprocate his energy and intensity on stage.

She loved the part where both he and his kid are throwing the song lyric to each other. Oh how she loves and adores this man.

And his swag when on stage and his trademark stance when singing, almost in a kneeling position. That's him, that's his Boo on that stage, effortlessly rocking a Disney song!

She couldn't help but chuckle at what happened earlier prior to the show.


She was all glammed up for the event and her stylist is doing the final check on her gown before she wears her accessories when he came barging into her dressing room already groomed.

"Oh hey, look at you, coach pogi!" She is fully aware that her man is handsome but he looks extra handsome and dashing tonight in his black suit.

"Can I have a minute with you?" He acknowledged the others that are in the room but returned his gaze to her immediately.

"Me?" She asked, pointing to herself, making sure she heard him right.

"Yes, just YOU." He was looking at her and her alone.

She gave a nod to her team as her glam team exited from her dressing room.

"Thank you," he said to her glam team who are already leaving the room.

When the last of her glam team left the room, she asked, "So?"

He inhaled sharply. "I'm nervous. This is the first time I'm gonna be doing this."

"Doing what?" She inquired.

"Performing a Disney song on The Voice. I don't know if.."

"Hush, come on here," she opened her arms and he quickly ran to her like she was his refuge.

They hugged for a few minutes.

"You'll be fine Boo. You'll make a great prince charming."

"You think so?"

"Oh you will, that's for sure!" She was rubbing his back, pacifying him. She can't help but smile at this soft side of her Boo.

She patted his back. "Now, go."

"Are you driving me away?" He acted as if he was hurt by her words.

With her hands on her waist, she answered, "I hate to say this but yes, they're still gonna put my accessories on."

He sighed in surrender. "Ok, just a moment." He gave her a smack on her lips but she was quick to tug his necktie that prompted him to kiss her again, this time, deeper and longer. What started as a simple smack led to a liplock and duelling of their tongues.

A knock on her door made them stop from their lip locking, and reluctantly, they let go of each other.

He was about to walk to the door when she called him.

"Just a moment!" She quickly got a tissue and wiped her lipstick off his lips and applied a tinted lip balm on his lips. "Don't worry, this is the same shade that your makeup artist is using on your lips. Now go!" She was now urging him to get out of her dressing room.

"Goodluck to the both of us and our kids. And I love you, my Serah!" He shouted as he was heading to the door.

"I love you too, but I'll still beat you." She winked.

He chuckled as he waved bye.


'Who would've thought that just a few minutes ago, this man who is effortlessly rocking Let It Go with his kid was so worried he can't sing a Disney song? He definitely can, with flying colors! He and his kid are like two different forces, like fire and ice that collided together to create a beautiful and powerful performance.'

She can't wait to ask him to sing that version of Let It Go for her or they could do a duet. 'Later,' she thought as his and his kid's performance ended.


A/N: (2/2) That only time the camera panned through A when B and Carmelle were performing during TVK 4, I can't help but replay that part of her reaction over and over again. She looks so proud of him. That is the reason why this story came about, haha! And the what if, what if A and B are a couple and the voice coaches as well. Hihi, Gwen and Blake inspired. 🙂

P.S. This is a long overdue drabble and a sequel to Dangerous. Sorry, it's only now that I was able to find time to proofread. 🙂 Happy Easter! 🙏

Here's the link to Let It Go by B and Carmelle if you wanna rewatch it, hehe:

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