Lean On Me

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The following is another transcript of conversation of the phone call between Ash and Boo:

A: Hi coach!

B: Hey Sarah, what's up?

A: I called.

B: Yeah, I know that, anything I can do for you?

A: Cause I need you.

B: Ok, ok, you got me.

The girl on the other line giggled.

B: What's happening?

A: Listen to this coach.

He heard his voice in the background.

B's voice: Lean on me

A: Yeah I'm gonna lean on you

B's voice: When you're not strong

A: I was never strong

B's voice: I'm gonna need, somebody to lean on

A: I need you coach, to lean on

B's voice: You just call on me sister

A: I'm calling you now brotha, brotha, brotha

B's voice: When you need a hand

A: I really need your hand in mine

B's voice: We all need somebody to lean on

A: I really need you coach, to lean on

B's voice: I just might have a problem

A: I really do have a problem

B's voice: That you'll understand

A: Ooooh, I know you'll understand

B's voice: We all need somebody to lean on

A: I really need you coach, to lean on

B: Oh Serah! What's up with you?

A: Nothing! Haha! I saw your video on Woodrose's facebook.

B: How'd you know about that?

A: I'm your numbah wan fan remember?

B: Oh yeah, how could I forget that?

A: Can we sing that again? A duet maybe? I can't sleep so I called you. You are so cute while singing that. Can we sing it together please?

B: Are you sure we're really doing this?

A: Yes, a hundred percent sure coach!

B: Ok, how do we divide the parts?

A: I'll take the first verse.

B: I think it would be better if I take the first verse and the first chorus.

A: You think so?

B: Yeah, I'll start low and chill and you can hit the high notes on the second verse. Then you continue on that part 'You just call on me brother..'

A: Hmnnn...ok. Then on the second chorus we blend together?

B: Yeah, you sing the harmony part?

A: Ok, ok. Oh, on the second 'You just call on me brother', you should sing it and change the 'brother' to 'sister'.

B: Ok, got that! I think you could sing harmony in there too.

A: Yeah, could be, let's try that.

B: Who sings the third verse?

A: Let's sing it together! I'll sing, you answer or add an echo or an adlib.

B: Ok, got that! Then on this part 'If you just call me', I'll sing and you answer.

A: Yeah, you sing the lyrics and I'll echo and answer like how I did awhile ago.

B: Ok, cool, shall we give it a try then?

A: Then maybe we could play along in the end, like we always do.

B: Yeah, like we always do.

A: You take the lead, I'll follow, ok coach?

B: Ok, here we go!


A/N: Another random drabble. Break muna tayo sa IABU. So I rewatched Boo's Lean on Me cover and also searched for Ash's version and there is! I thought it would be good if they'll have a duet of this song, hahaha!

Here is Boo's version: https://www.parefwoodrose.edu.ph/lean-on-me-by-bamboo/?fbclid=IwAR1uGHlx9ElIhBBC3fYjUEJOgb3EbpuDZv2RLJ0GoxjnWI8liGX7oRv775w

Here is Ash's version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4oEbiF9b9A

The what if? What if there is an AshBoo duet of Lean On Me? And this my friends is how the AshBoo Lean On Me duet was born. Hahaha! Imagine how they'll collaborate and how they'll make it their own. :)

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