Forgotten, Forgiven

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She's furious.

She had been giving hints to him but he is oblivious.

'He forgot.'

She understands that he is busy and his schedule is hectic but how could he forget?

She wanted to shout at him and fight him and she's thinking of the best way of doing it.

She slept without him last night. And that adds up to her frustration. He spent the whole night in their studio.

He was so busy with rehearsals that he may have forgotten he has a wife and a family.

She won't be able to forgive him. She looks calm on the outside but inside, frustration and disappointment are boiling, a combination that is deadly. She's about to explode. She has been inhaling deeply several times trying to calm herself.

'How dare him!'

Gone was her sweet smile and was now replaced with an irritated face and a frown.

Brows furrowed, forehead wrinkled.


"You're here?!" His manager asked.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I am."

"Are you sure you aren't forgetting something?"

He gave his manager a weird look.

"Are you sure you aren't really forgetting something?"


"Are you aware what date it is today?"

"Yeah, 18th of May." He answered flatly.


"And?" He repeated after his manager.

"'re hopeless! Goodluck man! A friendly advice, go home early."

"I am."

"Goodluck man, I'll go ahead."


He was smiling at the photo that his eldest had sent.

The woman in the photo is on the brink of tears, shoulders slumped as if she were carrying the whole world.

"Just a little more babe." He smiled as his thumb lingered on the photo on his phone.

He knows the consequences. He's so sure she hates him now. Heck, she might have even cursed him already. And she might not let him sleep with her tonight.

He waited for the Ecuadorian roses and Dutch tulips and hydrangeas that he ordered from Petalier before heading home.

He made a quick call to his gang to make sure all is set.


She planned to sleep early and pretend that she's not feeling well. But she couldn't say no to the voices knocking outside the door.

Slowly, she woke up, and wiped and dried her tears. She quickly applied a slight makeup to hide her puffy eyes, smiled in front of the mirror and then walked to the door to open it.

She frowned when she saw him.

She was about to close the door but he was quick to enter their bedroom.

Her eyes were accusing him.


"What are you doing here?"

"Whoa! This is our bedroom."

"Oh, I thought you've already moved out of this bedroom since you started with your rehearsals." Her arms are crossed in front of her.

"What? What are you saying? I've never slept anywhere but here, except when I'm on tour."

"You didn't sleep here last night!" Her voice got a little bit louder.

His forehead creased.

"I slept without you and I woke up without you by my side!" She was trying to stop her tears from falling.

It dawned on him. "Babe, I am always beside you. I just slept late and woke up early for the past few days. You understand right?"

She looked surprised.

He slowly walked to her and held her arms. "You are such a sleepy head that you didn't even feel me when I laid beside you."

He lifted her chin so she could look at him.

Tears are still threatening to fall from her eyes.

"You forgot.." she said weakly.

"I didn't," he smiled and chuckled.

"Happy anniversary babe," he greeted her.

She hugged him. "I thought you forgot.."

"How could I forget one of the happiest days of my life? I married the princess and made her my queen!"

"How could a rockstar be so corny?!"


"I miss you," she hugged him tightly.

He could definitely hear a tone of longing from her voice. And he understands.

"Will you skip the studio tonight?" She looked at him with pleading eyes.

His arms around her tightened. He couldn't say no. 'Rehearsals and arrangements would have to wait.' He mentally noted.

"I love you," she knew the answer even before he could answer. His eyes gave him away. They both missed each other. She knew it.

"I love you too!" A glint of mischievousness in his eyes as he lowered his lips to meet hers.

"Mama! Papa!" They heard the cute voice of their youngest, knocking on their door.

He chuckled and she giggled as they walked hand in hand  to open the door.

However, before reaching their door, he quickly stole a kiss from her lips.


A/N: Just a very short drabble of what 18th of May is all about. I couldn't get it out of my head, this what if, ya'll get it, right? Hehe! 🤪

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