Shooting Star

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They were walking hand in hand a few minutes past midnight around one of the country's famous concert venues. He was so glad that he was able to fetch her right after her duty from the hospital. They had a quick dinner in a restaurant nearby and now they're strolling the concert venue hand in hand, while sipping their ice blended beverage.

Who would've thought that they'd make it this far. They are two different persons in two different worlds, busy building their own careers, barely having enough time for themselves and for each other. But it was one fateful night a few years ago in the same place they are strolling that destiny or serendipity made its way for them to meet. And from that day on they are happily together.

He just finished his US and Canada tour, plus a few more out of town gigs in the country that it's only through facetime that they were able to communicate in the past 2 months. Who says LDR won't work? Well, for busy lovers like them, it works. But the real secret there is it will work if both of you agree to make it work which they did.

While he is busy with his album promotions, gigs and tours, she is busy with her medical residency in preparation for her further specialization on Pulmonary Diseases. He is so proud of what she has become, aside from her parents and siblings of course. She has spent lots and lots of sleepless nights memorizing the medical terms he couldn't even understand. He was a witness of her cramming, of her frustrations and of her victories.

"B, I think we need to go home, I'm really tired and I need to get to the hospital early tomorrow, there's no concert here anyway" she said.

"Just a few more minutes please." He said stopping their tracks and just hugging her so tightly.

"I've missed you" he closed his eyes and smelled the aroma of her hair, a mixture of rose and her sweat which he thinks is sweet.

"B" she said in protest feeling a little uncomfortable since they are in a public place for goodness' sake.

"Shhhh, close your eyes."

She obeyed and hugged him in return.

"A, you know I love you right?" he started.

"And I love you too!" she answered back giving him a quick kiss on his lips.

"Whoa! Can I get some more?" he asked her, teasing her.

She started removing herself from his embrace, running and getting away from him.

"I'm gonna get you!" he declared running after her.

They played cat and mouse for a few minutes until she finally gave up and sat on the ground. He sat beside her and just like the old times, they sat side my side, her leaning on his shoulders while him putting his arms around her shoulders.

Being the hopeless romantic that she is, she loves gazing at the stars, waiting for shooting stars and wishing at the shooting stars. She was happily gazing at the sky while he was intently gazing at her. If she loves gazing at the sky, he loves looking at her and watching even just the slightest movement of her face.

"Look! A shooting star!" she pointed her fingers to the sky while she looked at him. She wasn't surprised that he was not gazing at the sky, as usual. She knows he's not a believer of wishes that come true because of shooting stars.

She pouted cutely.

He just smiled. "I didn't see it, it was so fast, but I uttered a wish" he said in defense.

She stood up, arms crossed, while looking down at him, challenging him if he was telling the truth.

"Well, you see, I've been meaning to ask you this until your shooting star came" he smiled.

He knelt in front of her and opened his right palm revealing a rose gold band shaped in a DNA double helix.

"A, will you spend the rest of your life with me?"


A/N: Due to the lockdown, I've been reading lots of stories about our medical frontliners so my What If here is that, what if Sarah (A) is a doctor and Bamboo (B) is his rockstar self. In here, I've removed the idea of extravagant proposal. It's more on the simple, sincere, private, just-the-two-of-us proposal. And yep, this is a two part story, go to the next chapter for the continuation. :)

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