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Due to the pandemic, their flight back to San Francisco has been cancelled. He is kinda anxious as flights have been cancelled with no definite date of when they will be resumed.

It has already been two months since the lockdown and literally, they have not gotten out of the premises of their home. They haven't even had the chance to visit his wife's parents as all cities in the Metro have their own checkpoints where only the transportation carrying essential goods are allowed to pass through. And as he sees it based on the news that he's been watching and reading, the lockdown won't ease or be lifted in the coming months or so.

Not that he is complaining, he is actually very grateful. He got to spend 24/7 with his wife and their daughter. Chance that they are trying to seize because when things get back to normal again (if they will), they'll be like racers travelling from here to there for tours, shoots, etc. Except for Sundays which they agreed as husband and wife as family day. So as much as possible, they don't commit to any work related commitments on Sundays unless it is really necessary.

For the past two months, he has tried all sorts of activities to ease his boredom. But being a natural performer, he misses the crowd, the atmosphere of a concert, he just misses performing. He thinks his wife is better at adapting to this new setup. His wife is taking it chill, spending time cooking and baking for them. He and his daughter are so spoiled with all the new recipes that she learned this quarantine. She has also found the chance to binge watch her favorite k-dramas when their daughter is asleep. She has also learned different types of braids and ponytails for their daughter. Their daughter no longer asks him to put her hair in a ponytail, she always wants her hair to be braided, and he lets his wife do the braiding. His wife has told him over and over again that it would be fine for her to be a housewife even after the pandemic ends. He's not quite sure if she was serious or was just joking.

What keeps their sanity currently is the homeschool that they're doing with their daughter. They have decided to homeschool their daughter as long as they can. It's challenging and exhausting but they're getting used to it. Playtime is his favorite subject as they can lounge at the pool for hours after playtime. They're also trying to get their daughter to learn how to play another instrument aside from the ukulele which she loves so much. They enjoy learning as a family - from learning the primary colors, to addition and subtraction, to the lifecycle of animals, to the different types of stones, to spotting constellations at night. They even went on a picnic at their garden and went on a camping trip with a complete set of tent setup in their home premise.

He woke up early today. He just finished checking his emails after taking a call from his manager for a possible virtual concert, he has no idea how they're gonna do that but he'll leave that to his manager. He was scrolling through his instagram account when he got curious about a new feature called ig-live. He read a few about the feature and then decided to give it a try.

So he hit the Live button.

The ig-live started with the camera focused on him with a creased forehead. "How does this work? Is it working? Hello, hello!"

He checked the screen and when he saw that there were comments, he patted his shoulder. "Good job man! There, it's working."

He inhaled deeply while he rubbed both of his hands. "Ok, so this is very random. While my wife is still sleeping soundly.." He checked on his wife who is still fast asleep before returning his gaze at the iPad's front camera. "Shhhh..don't tell her I told you, haha, she stayed up until dawn just to finish a k-drama, don't ask me about the title 'cause I really have no idea."

He cleared his throat. "Since I miss performing and touring and since we can't have concerts yet, I have this crazy idea of having a #TogetherAtHome concert. You heard it right. We stay at our own homes while we enjoy some good music. So please comment down the songs you want me to sing."

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