My Universe

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"Before we play our next song which by the way is my final song.." he paused as he heard the crowd express their disappointment.

"Hey, hey! Cheer up! It's not yet the end." He smiled. "We'll be seeing and meeting more of each other, so see you at my upcoming gigs!" He smiled sheepishly to the crowd that started chanting and shouting his name over again.

"You could still catch me on the ff. dates.." and he went on announcing the schedule of his remaining gigs in the Philippines and his upcoming US and Canada tour.

His smiling face turned serious, game face as he termed it, as if preparing himself to battle. He inhaled deeply and scanned the crowd. His eyes then settled at one side of the stage where a particular person was standing, trying her best to be unnoticed. "You see, tonight is a special night. You'll be the first to listen to this song that I wrote, I meant co-wrote with someone some time months ago. Shhh..but that person doesn't know that I've already completed the song, thank you though for some of the lyrics and the beat!"


It's been a year since their scandalous marriage. It's been a year since they've been the topic of social media and mass media. It's been a year since they've been judged by everyone surrounding them. It's been a year since they've been fighting side by side. It's been a tough year and yet here they are, going strong.

Their marriage was supposed to be private. But for some reason, no matter how careful they were, while they were having their quiet and simple wedding ceremony, they weren't aware that gossip had sparked and like fire that spread, it circulated to almost everyone, no thanks to social media. Tsk! That's why he tries to be as much as possible discreet in all his actions.

And right after their wedding ceremony, instead of having a peaceful and private dinner, instead of enjoying the meal which they carefully selected, they ate the news that's circulating. What's funny is that they haven't even confirmed anything and yet they are now the headlines of all news channels. Damn! We just got married. Can't they give us a break?

He does not give a damn about what people say about them. But he does give a damn about her. He doesn't want her to be affected and get too emotional with all the chaos happening around. He could take the wrath of her parents and he promised he'll work on that. But here he is, or rather, here they are, caught in the act.


"How could you do this to me? How could you do this to us? Why are you so hard headed? This man is such a bad influence for you.." Her mother shouted at the top of her lungs. Good thing they are already inside the reception area. Only few are able to witness how a mother broke down in front of her precious daughter.

He badly wanted to assure her that he would take care of her daughter, that he loves her more than his life. But he understood where she was coming from so he just took all the blame and hateful words. It's part of the consequence. He reasoned out.

"Mommy, I love him." She said softly but with conviction as she clasped both her hands to his right arms.

With tears in her eyes and regret written all over her face, they heard her declare: "I cannot and will never accept your marriage! I did not raise you just to end up with a man like him." Her mother's words are like knives hitting him straight to the core of his heart and his conscience.

"And you!" He felt her mother's stares and her finger pointed at him. "I trusted you with my daughter! I thought you were a good influence on her but behind my back and her father's back, how dare you!"

And her mother left. And she was in tears. And he couldn't do anything but to hug her and console her and tell her that everything's gonna be okay, although he himself is wondering how things are gonna be ok.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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