Late Night Conversations

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He was trying to reach out to Sarah but she kept on ending his call. It took him more than a dozen calls before she picked up her phone. He saw an image of her ugly crying like a little girl and he can't help but smile at the genuine sight.

He was glad he didn't give up on ringing her. She could be stubborn but he could also be more stubborn that he didn't stop calling her until she answered her phone. He was worried about her and the sight that behold him confirmed his hunches.

"What's up with the call coach?" She answered while wiping her tear-stained face with a tissue.

"I just wanted to check on you."

"Well, as you can see, I'm not ok."

"Yeah, I could see that, you are ugly crying right now."

She snickered. "Yeah right?! Do I really look ugly when I'm crying?"

This time, it's his turn to chortle. "Nah, just kidding, you're still adorable even if you cry, even if you bawl your eyes out, even if your mucus and tears run down on your face."

"Coach naman eh!" She appears to be annoyed at his statement.

He gave out a hearty laugh. "Are you feeling better now?"

"I think so. I'm glad you called." She heaved a sigh. "Why do people need to fight? Why can't everyone just focus on the real thing? Why do people need to force other people to speak out? Why do people bash one another? Why can't people be kind, understanding, respectful?"

"Whoa, hold your reins missy. That's a lot of questions to answer."

"I'm just frustrated with what's going on, coach."

She let her phone lean on a stand and faced her phone's front camera both hands on her chin.

"Well, you know that cliche', 'You can't control what's happening around you, but you can control the way you respond.."

She nodded as she looked deep in her thoughts.

"Why do you always have to be so calm? I wish I could be just like you. So calm even if there's so much going on around."

"Haha! That's because I do yoga and I meditate."

"I also meditate and pray and read my Bible."

"I know right. That should be able to help you control your emotions so you could control how you respond to what's happening around. Or could be that women are really more emotional than men."

"Is it really necessary to speak out? I really don't have a clear idea on what's going on. I'm still so confused. I started reading and there's still a lot to read and I want to know all sides."

"It's better to be silent and show kindness, than speak up and be an instrument of division rather than unity."

"Like what you're doing?"

"Hey, I am silent but I am doing something. You know, the ones who are really affected are not really the celebrities, it's the ones on the ground, the ones below. They are the ones who need help."

"I know right. That's why I applaud your concerts for a cause. Do you still provide food to the frontliners in your area?"

"Yeah, that's the least we could do, in exchange for their sacrifices. They have a lot to sacrifice. Some are not able to go home to their families. Some work extended hours. I feel for them."

"When's your next? I'd be baking and sending some bread and pastries. Oh, did the spanish bread reach you? How is it?"

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, they're already consumed."

"You like them?"

"I love them!"

"It lacks sweetness."

"You know me, I like bland, haha!"

"Oh yeah, I hate your taste buds, they are so bland, haha!"

"That's what you call preferences missy! Anyway, I've sent the instrument recording and my part of our virtual prod for tomorrow, I'm not sure if you've already listened to it?" He wasn't sure.

"Of course, I did my homework coach! As a matter of fact I think I have already mastered that I know when to sing just by listening to you and the instruments."

"Good! I'm glad you did!"

"But why can't you come to the studio? I really miss singing with you live." She wailed.

"Much as I'd want to, I'm living with a senior citizen here. It's too risky." He explained.

"Yeah. I get that. Can you say Hi and Hello to tita for me? And can you hug and kiss her for me?"

"Just her? How about me?"

"Oh, you'll get yours when you come see me at the studio." She winked.

He laughed. 'This girl is really smart.' "Ok, ok, looking forward to that."

"I know you too well. You'll be like a hermit staying at your home. You wouldn't go out unless there's a vaccine. Or probably you could go out but in full gear with PPE and layers of masks."

He was acting as if he was thinking with his hand on his chin. "I am actually considering.."

"But I hope you'll come visit me. I really miss you coach!" Her eyes say it all. He can't help but be mesmerized at her pretty face devoid of makeup and his heart softened at her frankness and honesty.

"We'll see, we'll see." If only things are not that complicated, he could easily run to where she is. But things are so complicated and all they could do right now is facetime each other.

"Is that a promise coach?"

"Hey, I didn't promise!"

"I'll hold on to that coach. I have faith in you." She looked directly at the camera on her phone as if she was staring straight at him.

"Anyway, I like the song. It's very relevant to what's happening now. I think I could make it my statement song."

'Oh how fast she changes the topic. Very clever!' He's talking to himself.

"So, do you want us to make a final rehearsal?"

"No need, I think I can manage to sing my part and blend with you. We already did it a couple of times. I have faith in our chemistry."


A/N: Just a very random drabble. I am supposed to write a behind the scenes rehearsal for Underdog but I don't know where it took me. This is just a random facetime conversation between Ash and Boo. I'll try to write a BTS rehearsal for Underdog in another chapter or maybe another author could write that. :D Sabi kasi ni sir P sa Twitter, 'No rehearsal pure chemistry.' Hahaha! So the what if, what if Ash and Boo really didn't rehearse the night before the prod but they did rehearse on the previous days. Hahaha! Wala pa din mag-mmove-on sa Underdog by AshBoo! After three years, jeske! Super thankful kahit virtual collab! Love you AshBoo! :D

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