I'm Serious..I Like You

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He was sitting in her office. She was in a meeting so he was just ushered to her tiny yet welcoming office. By the looks, she is a tropical minimalist. Her desk only contains the necessary items that a lawyer needs. He noted the pens, post it notes, papers and folders on her table. But he also loved that her office is surrounded with lots of green plants even her desk has a lucky bamboo in a white small vase. He made a mental note of buying her a gift that she could display on her table. 'Maybe a digital frame with photos of me?' He chuckled at the thought.

He stood when he heard the door being opened.

"Mr. Manalac..Bamboo?!" Sarah was shocked to see Bamboo in her office.

"Ano'ng ginagawa mo dito? Sino'ng nagpapasok sayo?" She asked him consecutively.

He scratched his head. He does not know how to start. "Hey, Sarah! I believe I am your client?" He smiled.

'Tigilan mo ako sa mga ngiti mong yan,' she mentally talked to him.

"Ikaw si Mr. Manalac?!" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes ma'am, Bamboo Manalac." He said gesturing a salute to Sarah.

"Atty. Sarah Geronimo," she held her hand for a shake hand which he accepted gladly.

"Have a seat," she motioned him to seat on one of the chairs in front if her table.

"So based on the reports, you accidentally bumped your car to a cab, is this right?"

"Look Sarah, I want us to talk."

"We are talking right now" she stressed.

"I couldn't get to you and the only way I thought for us to get to talk is for me to engage in your services."

" Very clever Mr. Manalac. I am happy to assist you and help you in anyway I can. As I read on the initial police report, you accidentally hit a cab. This is not a grave case since there is no death involved, just damage to property. As your lawyer, I advise you to settle this before it gets worse and the media picks up on it. I'll issue a statement in behalf of you. I'll also do the necessary arrangements and settlements with the other party. That's it. You may now go, Mr. Manalac."

"That's it?" He inquired.

"Yes. Everything would be fine after I do the necessary arrangements and settlements."

He couldn't believe that the snob lawyer is now asking him to leave. They haven't even had a proper conversation yet.

"I did that on purpose." He blurted.

"What?! Why?! Hindi ka ba naawa sa binangga mo? Nawalan siya ng kita ngayong araw na 'to! Nasira pa yung sasakyan niya at hindi siya makakapagtrabaho hangga't hindi yun napapaayos. Mawawalan siya ng kita ng ilang araw, hindi mo ba naisip, paano yung pamilya niya? Worse, paano kung may namatay sa binangga mo, don't you know what criminal offenses can be filed and used against you? Or paano 'pag ikaw yung nasugatan or may mas malalang nangyari sa'yo? Akala mo ba naglalaro ka lang? Can't you be serious. You should not take life for granted!"

She was fuming mad with anger and disbelief while he was looking at her amused, a small smile formed on his lips.

"Now that was a long sermon.." he was suppressing a smile. "Uh, does that mean..you care for me?" he asked.

"Can we be serious here Mr. Manalac?"

"Bamboo would be fine Atty. Geronimo."

"Fine, can we be serious here Bamboo?" She raised her hands as if in surrender.

He inhaled sharply before letting the words out of his mouth: "I'm serious. Atty. Geronimo, I like you."


A/N: 3/3! How did it go? I really want the last line to be the last line of the story, hahaha! What if..Bamboo being smitten by Sarah tries his best to get to the 'uninterested/snob' Atty. Sarah Geronimo? Basically, that's my what if and the reason this plot came to life, haha!

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