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He's tapping his fingers on the steering wheel listening to the groove of the music coming from his car's stereo. He's waiting for his date who is more than an hour late. He thinks he gets the hang of it. Pursuing her and perhaps being in a relationship with her would entail a great amount of patience, understanding and adjustments. And he thinks he's doing well. They've discussed this over and over and he believes he is ready. So on this fateful day, he wants to be more than just friends with her.

He inhaled deeply, took his phone to check if there was any new message or phone call from her but none. Her last message was the message she sent more than an hour ago telling him that her shoot was extended and that her team had a small surprise for her.

So he waits for his turn. Rubbing his chin, he was contemplating on how many surprises and celebrations she would be getting today. He hopes his' will be memorable.

A week ago, he found her staring at the front page of a travel magazine, featuring a picture of the rolling hills in Batanes, overlooking the sea. He eyed her curiously. She just smiled at him.

"You know what coach, sometimes I couldn't help but wish to have even just one whole day of rest where I can just chill! Not that I'm complaining with the lots of blessings in terms of work per se but I badly need a breather. This!" She pointed at the photo in the magazine. "I'll be going here the moment I'll be able to have that one day rest slash vacation."

And that gave him the idea of what he is up to today. He was about to give her a ring when she saw her running towards where he had parked. He immediately unlocked the passenger seat and she got in quickly, throwing her bags to the backseat.

"Drive." She said in between breaths.

He chuckled. "Seat belt please."

He didn't talk to her. He allowed her to have some rest. From the looks of it, she's drained. She started her day with a very early shoot, earlier than the sunrise so he understands that she needs to get some nap. He drove in silence, contented, casting quick side glances to the woman snoring lightly on the passenger seat.

They were nearing their destination when she stirred from her sleep. 

"Oh my God! I dozed off?!" She was rubbing her eyes with both his hands.

"Yeah, for almost an hour."

She gave him an apologetic look.

He looked at her and smiled. "No worries."

"We have to get back before seven. Mommy might look for me."

"Look at you, we haven't even reached our destination and now you're thinking of going back?"

"Hah! You're lucky to be given an appointment with the popstar royalty today y'know," she answered him, teasing him.

"It's an honor ma'am, I am honored," he answered her, while maneuvering the steering wheel so he could park properly.


He immediately executed his plan. He took the picnic basket, spotted a tree with enough shade and spread the gingham, before he opened the picnic basket, emptying all of its contents carefully setting the contents on the gingham.

He made a point to prepare all of her favorite food. He had her favorite Japanese cuisine - Seafood Cheese Mochi Okonomiyaki be custom made by one of his chef friends; he cooked her favorite Filipino dish - Adobo; he also ordered her favorite Jollibee Chicken Joy; he also ordered her favorite cake of all time - Blueberry Cheesecake, and last but not the least, he ordered their favorite Filipino snack - Banana Cue.

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