Photo Of My Mind

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"Hello, hello" he greeted as he entered her dressing room and saw her still in her makeup chair.

"Ui coach, aga natin a! Ok ka lang ba?" she gave her make up artist a wait signal then stood up and gave him a warm hug and a peck on the cheeks.

"Nah, I'm fine, hey, looking gorgeous tonight aren't we?" he answered back at pasimple niyang pinagmasdan ang dalaga mula ulo hanggang paa.

"Sus, ikaw din naman coach, pogi forevs!" she said teasing him. Hindi lingid sa kaalaman ng lahat na hindi siya kumportable kapag sinasabihan siyang pogi o tinatawag siyang coach pogi!

"Ready ka na ba coach?" sunod niyang tanong dito habang bumabalik sa kanyang upuan.

"Like you left me with a choice?" nagkibit balikat siya at umupo sa upuan tabi ng dalaga habang ang make up artist naman ng dalaga ay tinapos ang finishing touches sa makeup nito.

Until now, he couldn't believe that Sarah would exert all her efforts just to make him say Yes. Her pleading and asking nicely to him didn't make her get his Yes, even her tantrums and walk out didn't make her get his Yes, that she resulted to joining a game. He has this hunch that Sarah asked Luis' help in doing so, but Sarah wouldn't admit it. She says, she worked hard to earn his Yes in which he agrees.

He was smiling remembering the events that happened last week. (See previous chapter)

"Anu nginingiti ngiti mo diyan coach?" asked Sarah curious on what Bamboo was thinking.

He just shook his head.

She was persistent wanting to know what Bamboo was smiling about when her PA called them. It's time.

He offered his arm to Sarah which she gladly took and they walked arms linked together.

They were greeted with flashes coming from the cameras in different angles and loud shrieks and cheers from the crowd.

With a smile plastered both on their faces, they posed for photo ops prior to proceeding to their designated seats.

"You ready?" she asked looking up to him, meeting his big round eyes.

He inhaled deeply. "Let's do this!"

As the emcee called both Bamboo and Sarah up the stage, he rose from his chair and offered his hand to Sarah. Like a knight in shining armor, he made sure that the princess would be able to get to the stage safely.

With Sarah standing beside her on the stage, he can't help but proudly gaze and marvel at her. Truly she is a princess and she deserves her star to be placed at the Walk of Fame. He wished they'd put her star near his star though.

Feeling a little bit nervous, he started his speech, "Hello, hello, good evening everyone!" he greeted the crowd in which the crowd responded with a cheer that made him ease a little bit.

"Relax coach!" she mouthed as she beamed on the man standing beside her.

"Uhm, before I start my speech, I would like to offer our princess, princess because Sarah means princess right, here a little bit of a surprise" he can't help but explain himself.

He pulled something from the inside pocket of his tuxedo.

"Which only she, will be able to see, unless she shows it to you. Here, I found this this morning" he gave a photo to her and she gladly accepted.

"Awwwww, thank you coach!" she said sweetly while taking the photo.

"You're welcome. It's an old photo of us. It's an oldie but a goodie photo of my mind" he smiled while looking at her.

Sarah can't help but smile too, looking at the photo, memories of their very first duet came flashing back. She acted as if not wanting to show the photo to the cameraman and covered it with her two hands. A few seconds later, she was holding the photo on its edges, showing what the photo is all about to the crowd and to the cameraman.

"Yeah, that's ahhh, that's our very first duet together, rehearsals, remember?" he asked.

"Yes coach, tandang tanda ko. In fairness coach a, ang tagal na nito o, talagang kinalkal mo pa sa baul a" she chuckled yet teasing him again.

"Are you just gonna stand here beside me while I read this speech of mine?" he asked gesturing double quotes on "speech".

She just nodded.

"Ahhhh, we couldn't have been more opposite when we first met, you know, I was busy building up my rock band while you were this sweet pop chic on your way to pop stardom. I was trying to get you to listen to U2 and Radiohead, you were not interested but you were very sweet about it. You stuck to your Miley Cyrus and Christina Perri." His introduction earned a laughter from the crowd.

"Serah, you're an absolute gem, your smile is contagious, it lights up a room when you walk in, your energy is irresistible and your heart is second to none. I always knew you were incredibly talented and I always knew you would go on to do big things, amazing things and you have and still will. You are passionate and intense in what you do, just like me I guess, you pour your heart and soul into it and that reflects on the results. Here you are about to be immortalized on the Walk of Fame, I hope they do place your star near my star, oh did I say that out loud?" he asked realizing that he just announced to the whole world what he is thinking that elicited loud shrieks of kilig from the crowd.

Quick Bamboo, think! thoughts running in his mind.

"Wishful thinking man! But I'd be happy if that'll happen" he smiled and winked at Sarah who was wide eyed and just as surprised as he is.

"Uhmn, shall we proceed?" he asked the crowd in which the crowd answered with an applause.

"I couldn't be more proud of you, I couldn't be happier for you. It is a well deserved star. It represents not just your fame but more importantly the work and the craft that you've shared, so congratulations on that. May your career continue to flourish. Light, Peace, Love. Cheers!" he raised his hands acting as if he's raising a glass of wine.

His speech was responded by loud cheers and shrieks and applause coming not just from the fans but from the whole crowd.

He first bowed down to her then to the crowd.

"Congratulations Princess Asher!" he held out his hand for a hand shake but Sarah ignored it and just threw herself to him thus both of them hugging each other tightly in front of the cheering crowd.


A/N: Like I said in the previous chapter, hugging and teasing is a norm for Ash and Boo. This chapter is inspired by Shane West's speech for Mandy Moore when her star was placed at the Walk of Fame in which I obviously referenced the story in this chapter. I got Shane's speech, added a few lines and removed a few lines as well to suit it for AshBoo! :)

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