AshBoo Concert?

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The following is a transcript of conversation of the phone call between Ash and Boo:

B: Hey! Did I wake you up?

A: Nope, I'm just about to settle to sleep, why?

B: Have you checked on the news and twitter?

A: Nope, I was busy playing Animal Crossing awhile ago.

B: Oh, you and your video games addiction, tsk, tsk.

A: Hahaha! Yeah! Gab's also asking me to join their team in Mobile Legends..just a little convincing and I'll be joining, haha! Anyway, what's in the news?

B: You!

A: Me?

B: Yeah!

A: What about?

B: For winning as Entertainment Personality of the Year..

A: Oh that..I am not aware of that but of course I'm always thankful for the fans who voted endlessly. Ahh..I gotta thank them.

B: Hold on, there's another one.

A: What? Is it a good news or a bad news?

B: I dunno, it depends?

A: Hmnn..ok, tell me..

B: The fans are asking us to have a back to back online concert..heard it from the reporter in TV Patrol.

A: Ohhhh that would be awesome!

B: Are you game for it?

A: How about you, are you game?

B: I dunno, honestly..

A: Oh come on coach, you're the one who's been active, doing several online concerts since the lockdown.

B: Yeah, I mean, I love that I am still able to sing and perform but I just miss performing live, don't you miss it?

A: Good point coach, I do too. When I sing at home it feels like I am doing a recording and I am not performing.

B: Exactly, you got my point. I can't move from point A to point B, I need to be still in just one place, that was so hard for me to do.

A: Haha! Of course, knowing you and your energy! But you did well, you always do, I've watched all your online concerts mind you!

B: Oh wow, thanks my numbah wan fan!

A: You're very welcome. My pleasure, my numbah wan fan too!

B: Anyway, back to the concert, are we game?

A: I really dunno too. We're supposed to have one this year right?

B: Yeah, but unfortunately because of this pandemic, we're not pushing through. Even my Canada tour might be postponed.

A: Awww..I miss singing with you to be honest. And I mean singing with you in the flesh, face to face, eye to eye.

B: Me too! Do you think we can pull a split screen online concert like what AlDub did?

A: Hahaha! Are you watching Kalyeserye coach?

B: I stumbled in a few episodes because of the split screen thing and social distance thing. I mean, they're doing it even before this pandemic hit us.

A: Yeah, yeah, I binge-watched all the Kalyeserye episodes!

B: Are you recommending that to me?

A: I didn't say that. I know you still have a lot of Netflix series on your plate and books to read and concerts to do so up to you. And if ever our online concert does push through, you've got to arrange the songs.

B: Just me?

A: Haha, of course I'll give a little help!

B: Just a little?

A: Hahaha! Ok, ok, I'll give my very best help coach!

B: So, shall we do it?

A: Do what coach?

B: The online concert! Oh you and your dirty mind.

A: Hahaha! That's why I need to be certain coach, what do you think?

B: I think we should.

A: Yeah, I think we should Tamang Panahon..


A/N: Hahaha! So this randomly popped in my head. While everyone in twitter is pleading and asking for the long awaited AshBoo concert, what if they are actually already talking about it. The only question is, kailan ang tamang panahon? I inserted a tiny bit of reference from AlDub and Kalyeserye, hehe!  Hope you guys liked it!

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