Hey, We Made It!

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Today, she is celebrating her nth year in the industry. As a thank you to her supporters, she is having a one night thanksgiving concert which was soldout in a few hours when the tickets went on sale.

She should be happy today, but she can't help but feel sad deep down inside.

"Oh, paiyak ka na naman, sayang ang makeup at outfit ghorl," her stylist and makeup artist were cheering her up.

She was expecting her husband and daughter to watch her tonight, afterall, they are the reason why she is still doing this. They should be her priority, she could give up this concert.

Too bad, they are thousands of miles away from her.

Last night, she received a call that their flight had been rescheduled and they couldn't make it to her concert. Right at that moment she wanted to backout from her concert and book a flight just to meet them halfway. But her husband has convinced her to push through. He said they'll try to make it. He said to trust him. She always does, but with a rescheduled flight, how can they make it?

She made a note to file a complaint to the airline company for rescheduling flights without informing the passengers ahead of time.

She is now down to her last song, one of her current favorites which she always sings with her husband and daughter. How she wished they are right here with her at this moment.


Her makeup artist applied a light foundation and concealer to hide his prominent eye bags at the same time gelled and fixed his hair. After attending to him, her makeup artist then proceeded to apply a slight blush on and lip balm to the little girl.

"Dad, you have to spray mom's favorite scent of you, I sprayed mine." The little girl was giving him his perfume.

"Got that kiddo," as he got the perfume from his daughter and sprayed it all over him. "I hope we don't smell like the airplane or the airport or worse like sweat."

He was so thankful that their flight arrived earlier and they could still catch even just the last part of her concert.

He knows she feels bad but he hopes she'll be better later.

This is the first time that they'll be doing this and he is very nervous.

Yes, he is confident in front of a lot of people, he performs a hundred percent but he worries for their daughter. This is her first time seeing a lot of people.

What if she'll chicken out and run or turn away? What if she'll cry? What if she gets scared of the audience? These are just some of the questions that are bugging him.

But this was their daughter's idea.

Just like him, their daughter was so devastated that they won't be able to watch her concert.

And so their daughter suggested, why don't they surprise her. They've practiced while they were on flight and while on layover. He hopes they'll be able to make it and deliver well.

"Hey kiddo, you ready?"

"Yes!" The little girl smiled at him.

"You ok? No jitters?" He was worried about the little girl.

"Yup! None! I'm fine dad!" The little girl assured him.

"Come here, give me a hug. Dad's feeling a little nervous."

"Why are you getting jitters dad? You always do this right?," the little girl asked.

"This is the first time that we'll be singing for mom!" He took a deep breath.

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